Sat Jul 27 2024 01:51:04 CEST
"Obviously I was either onto something, or on something." - Larry Wall on the creation of Perl
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
8387 ThinLinc Build sy adaha CLOS FIXE meson macros missing in Cenbuild Thu 14:32
8339 ThinLinc Misc frifl CLOS FIXE "Last updated" field in load shows incorrect value if more than a day 2024-04-25
8336 ThinLinc Server O bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE Validate Ubuntu 24.04 Beta 2024-04-23
8334 ThinLinc Other alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Newer python unittest-module breaks with hyphen in script names 2024-05-28
8328 ThinLinc VSM Serv tobfa CLOS FIXE vsmserver crashes on upcoming Python 3.13 2024-04-16
8316 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Unclear how to remove session startup background image 2024-02-28
8309 ThinLinc Build sy alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Spec-file patch-macro syntax deprecated in newer versions of rpmbuild 2024-02-23
8307 ThinLinc Build sy adaha CLOS FIXE Bash process substitution broken in cenbuild 2024-02-09
8302 ThinLinc Build sy alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Cannot run rebuild script packages on Fedora 39 2024-02-07
8299 ThinLinc Build sy tobfa CLOS FIXE Missing libp11 in cenbuild 2024-02-23
8298 ThinLinc Build sy alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Too old version of CMake in cenbuild 2024-02-26
8287 ThinLinc Build sy alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Wrong arch for transifex client in cenbuild 2024-01-10
8286 ThinLinc Web Acce bugzilla-qa CLOS WORK Can't use physical keyboard at first WebAccess login on Android 2024-01-08
8281 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Our OpenSSH is out of date 2024-01-08
8272 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE Rejected XML-RPC requests aren't logged 2023-12-22
8259 ThinLinc Other adaha CLOS FIXE asyncio log messages aren't properly logged 2023-12-04
8253 ThinLinc Other frifl CLOS FIXE utcfromtimestamp() and utcnow() are deprecated and should not be used 2024-04-25
8249 ThinLinc Server O bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE Validate final release of Ubuntu 23.10 2023-12-13
8231 ThinLinc Server O martin.ostlund CLOS FIXE Validate Ubuntu 23.10 2023-09-19
8226 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE obfuscator doesn't support "nonlocal" 2023-09-18
8210 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Wrong bugzilla URL in release notes 2023-08-30
8177 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE No favicon specified for documentation 2023-07-11
8176 ThinLinc Build sy alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Missing CA-certificates in Cendio build environment 2023-07-13
8175 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Some client link kits are missing 2023-06-22
8170 ThinLinc Build sy samuel CLOS FIXE macOS altool notarizing tool is deprecated 2024-01-15
8169 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE Remote resize active for shadowers (regression) 2023-07-26
8166 ThinLinc Other tobfa CLOS FIXE Space Mono font has inappropriate ligatures 2023-07-07
8158 ThinLinc Build sy linma CLOS FIXE Upgrade libtasn1 2023-05-26
8157 ThinLinc Build sy linma CLOS FIXE Upgrade OpenSSL 2023-05-26
8149 ThinLinc Web Admi tobfa CLOS FIXE tlwebadm TAG screenshots not reflecting new visual profile 2023-07-21
8146 ThinLinc Web Admi tobfa CLOS FIXE Outdated nonsemantic markup in tlwebadm 2023-05-09
8141 ThinLinc Server I bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE Traceback from sudo module in tl-setup 2023-05-02
8137 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Confusing presentation of empty tables in tlwebadm 2023-04-18
8124 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE Checkboxes are outdated and unclear in many cases 2023-05-03
8122 ThinLinc Other linma CLOS FIXE Presented data in Web Admin is not sorted on locale 2023-04-24
8121 ThinLinc Web Admi linma CLOS FIXE tlwebadm table contents can overflow available space 2023-05-04
8111 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman CLOS FIXE Session details don't specify used time zone 2023-03-22
8110 ThinLinc TLDC (De tobfa CLOS FIXE Names consisting of only spaces makes URLs invisible 2023-04-11
8106 ThinLinc TLDC (De tobfa CLOS FIXE Saving with empty application group name crashes Web Admin 2023-03-07
8102 ThinLinc Automati alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Compatibility auto test filters errors incorrectly 2023-03-07
8101 ThinLinc Automati alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Too sparse information provided by compatibility auto test 2023-03-08
8097 ThinLinc Automati linma CLOS FIXE Using 'FROM centos:8' in containers is deprecated 2023-03-08
8095 ThinLinc Web Admi tobfa CLOS FIXE Impossible to add printer to new terminal with empty hardware address 2023-07-05
8087 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE Web Admin's VSM sub-pages have confusing names 2023-03-21
8080 ThinLinc Web Admi frifl CLOS FIXE Saving when adding/editing subclusters in tlwebadm does not return to base page 2023-07-05
8076 ThinLinc Web Admi alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Incorrect header levels used in tlwebadm 2023-03-01
8073 ThinLinc Web Admi tobfa CLOS FIXE too high displayed resolution of tlwebadm load data 2023-07-05
8071 ThinLinc Web Admi linma CLOS FIXE Remove unnecessary "Home" from sub menu in Web Admin 2023-01-18
8068 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- tlwebadm pages can briefly load without CSS 2023-03-03
8067 ThinLinc Other alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Too compact line height in tlwebadm and tlwebaccess 2023-05-11
8064 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Cannot build packages on Fedora 36 Tue 15:33
8062 ThinLinc Web Admi alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Web Admin input labels aren't clickable 2023-04-26
8057 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman CLOS FIXE tlwebadm is using incorrect font size 2023-07-10
8056 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE tlwebadm is using incorrect font 2023-07-04
8054 ThinLinc Web Acce bugzilla-qa NEW --- Error message when resizing text area 2023-04-25
8027 ThinLinc Web Acce fredrik.kortetjarvi CLOS FIXE Handling of POST data overwrites unicode characters 2022-11-22
8026 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Blurry TAG SVG images in the HTML version 2023-07-17
8023 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE Unnecessary "system" column in Web Admin 2022-12-28
8022 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Selection appearing in front of session after long press in control bar on iOS 2022-12-16
8013 ThinLinc Misc linma CLOS FIXE Socket timeouts can unintentionally be ignored 2022-12-14
8011 ThinLinc Misc linma CLOS FIXE Timeouts can trigger when they no longer are relevant 2022-11-09
8000 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Web Access is interactive despite errors 2022-10-14
7998 ThinLinc Other fredrik.kortetjarvi CLOS FIXE Blurry favicon in web access and web admin on regular screens 2022-12-28
7995 ThinLinc Build sy alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Current transifex client is deprecated 2024-01-10
7990 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Missing text in ThinLinc Administrator Guide 2023-07-14
7989 ThinLinc Other samuel CLOS FIXE Unnecessary "hostname" text in webadm and webaccess 2022-09-26
7952 ThinLinc Misc samuel CLOS FIXE Initial background doesn't follow monitor layout 2023-08-09
7951 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Poor wrapping of platform specific notes url 2022-06-28
7950 ThinLinc Server I bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE GUI tl-setup sometimes hangs or crashes when installing dependencies 2022-06-22
7949 ThinLinc Misc samuel CLOS FIXE initial background doesn't follow session resize 2023-09-07
7947 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE false positive on detecting PyGObject on Debian/Ubuntu 2022-06-21
7939 ThinLinc Desktop samuel CLOS FIXE KDE profile doesn't show up on Fedora 36 2022-06-03
7936 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Client doesn't use all possible agent host keys 2022-07-15
7935 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Client doesn't allow modern RSA host key exchange with agent 2024-04-09
7932 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE ImportWarning messages when using sudorelaunch 2022-05-24
7915 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE GTK dialogs no longer show an icon 2022-05-17
7911 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE icons don't follow current standard sizes 2022-12-09
7894 ThinLinc Server O linma CLOS WORK Validate Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 2022-08-31
7889 ThinLinc Other emilo CLOS FIXE not all tools use our option parser 2024-06-17
7886 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE load information is arbitrarily ordered 2022-04-14
7882 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Cluster configuration chapter doesn't mention webaccess/login_page 2022-04-08
7878 ThinLinc Other linma CLOS FIXE Our systemd services close stderr too early when service is stopped 2022-04-07
7870 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE Translations aren't grouped with related strings 2022-03-30
7868 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE tl-support is malplaced in bin/ 2022-03-21
7863 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE vsmserver crashes and dies on too long agent hostname 2023-11-01
7862 ThinLinc Server I bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE Many short lines in text-mode tl-setup EULA 2022-03-24
7860 ThinLinc VSM Serv wilsj CLOS FIXE Connection status for sessions gets empty value after vsmserver restart 2022-04-01
7859 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE "toc" page shows up in searches 2022-03-21
7857 ThinLinc Other wilsj CLOS FIXE Subcluster info can be out of sync between tlwebadm and vsmserver 2023-08-30
7855 ThinLinc VSM Serv wilsj CLOS FIXE get_sessions RPC call does not always respect username filter 2022-03-10
7843 ThinLinc Build sy ossman NEW --- rpm2debpkg should likely use Breaks rather than Conflicts 2022-03-15
7842 ThinLinc Build sy wilsj CLOS FIXE rpm2debpkg doesn't handle deconfigure events 2022-04-22
7841 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Cenbuild x86_64 gcc refuses to build inside docker container 2022-04-06
7835 ThinLinc Misc tobfa CLOS FIXE Source code for tlmisc-libs isn't in server bundle 2023-06-20
7828 ThinLinc Client p samuel CLOS FIXE ThinLinc Client isn't available in the Microsoft Store 2024-07-12
7827 ThinLinc Build sy wilsj CLOS FIXE Builds are non-incremental and can benefit from ccache 2022-05-17
7823 ThinLinc Server O bugzilla-qa CLOS WORK Validate RedHat 9 2022-07-04
7822 ThinLinc Client bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE Session does not shrink when in full screen on multiple monitors and mirror all screens 2022-01-24
7796 ThinLinc Other wilsj CLOS FIXE Inconsistent use of fullscreen/full screen/full-screen 2022-12-01
7792 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE We're out of sync with upstream noVNC 2021-12-17
7790 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE bootstrap gcc has bad link directories 2022-04-01
7789 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE perl is broken in cenbuild 2021-11-09
7785 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE We're out of sync with upstream TigerVNC 2022-01-24
7784 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE PDF name is very generic 2021-10-28
7781 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Pango markup link is dead 2021-10-28
7778 ThinLinc Build sy linma CLOS FIXE Upgrade TigerVNC dependencies 2021-11-10
7777 ThinLinc Build sy wilsj CLOS FIXE Upgrade FLTK to latest release 2022-01-24
7776 ThinLinc Document wilsj CLOS FIXE epydoc is non-functional, unused, and unmaintained 2021-10-18
7775 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Examples overflow PDF page 2021-10-20
7762 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE tlstunnel still runs as root on Debian/Ubuntu 2021-09-07
7759 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE TLS certificate alert messages can be confusing 2021-09-09
7755 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Our GnuTLS is out of date 2021-09-10
7744 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE tl-setup doesn't handle failed installed correctly in text mode 2021-08-09
7736 ThinLinc TLDC (De ossman CLOS FIXE TLDC requires Python 2 2021-07-06
7735 ThinLinc VSM Serv frifl CLOS FIXE Cluster administration commands require Python 2 2021-07-01
7733 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE tlclient.cgi requires Python 2 2021-07-02
7732 ThinLinc Misc nikle CLOS FIXE tl-support requires Python 2 2021-06-28
7730 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE SELinux installation requires Python 2 2021-06-29
7729 ThinLinc Local dr bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE localdrives requires Python 2 2021-08-30
7727 ThinLinc Misc nikle CLOS FIXE tl-notify requires Python 2 2021-07-14
7726 ThinLinc Server I samuel CLOS FIXE package format fallback doesn't work if RPM doesn't use BDB backend 2021-06-18
7725 ThinLinc Server I frifl CLOS FIXE Showing more than one removed package is broken with .deb format 2021-06-11
7724 ThinLinc Server I wilsj CLOS FIXE We are out of sync with upstream rpmvercmp 2021-06-11
7723 ThinLinc Misc linma CLOS FIXE Diffie-Hellman parameters should come from RFC7919 2021-09-14
7720 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Title isn't printed when tl-setup doesn't have a package installer 2021-06-03
7717 ThinLinc Server I frifl CLOS FIXE Title for Administrator Contact shown when no email is needed 2021-06-01
7713 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Graphical installer/tl-setup does not respond to SIGINT when relaunched through sudo 2021-06-04
7710 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Build system python lacks readline module 2021-05-20
7709 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE SysV compatibility functions still around in libexec/functions 2021-05-19
7708 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE tl-setup still calls "service" for apparmor 2021-05-20
7707 ThinLinc Other nikle CLOS FIXE tl-shadow-notify should have an action tag 2021-05-12
7703 ThinLinc Misc nikle CLOS FIXE xstartup cannot be run in Python 3 2021-05-26
7702 ThinLinc Server I bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE installer requires Python 2 2021-06-29
7699 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE Profile name from xsession file not shown 2021-05-03
7695 ThinLinc Misc frifl CLOS FIXE tl-setup will not ask before updating depending package on SLES 2021-05-04
7694 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Not documented that stock and named icons supported on profiles 2021-05-05
7692 ThinLinc Misc frifl CLOS FIXE tl-setup requires Python 2 2022-06-14
7691 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE Profile chooser requires Python 3 2021-05-04
7688 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE tlgtk requires Python 2 2021-07-22
7678 ThinLinc VSM Serv linma CLOS FIXE Broken behaviour for ss - limited to updating only one session status at a time 2021-04-13
7676 ThinLinc Document nikle CLOS FIXE It's easy to miss that subcluster association limits session startup in the documentation 2021-04-14
7674 ThinLinc VSM Agen wilsj CLOS FIXE SSO assumes UTF-8 as the system character set 2021-04-14
7670 ThinLinc Client adaha CLOS FIXE Confusing error message when XML-RPC call fails 2024-01-10
7664 ThinLinc VSM Agen frifl CLOS FIXE Client hangs if agent can't find a free display number 2023-01-16
7663 ThinLinc VSM Serv wilsj CLOS FIXE Our SSO code still uses Python 2 2021-06-22
7660 ThinLinc VSM Serv wilsj CLOS FIXE Corrupt session database or HA change database gets overwritten preventing manual recovery 2024-02-01
7658 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE Traceback in log for excessive XML-RPC messages 2021-03-11
7654 ThinLinc Client p ossman CLOS FIXE Windows installer signing failing 2021-03-19
7649 ThinLinc Printing frifl CLOS FIXE Printer handling requires Python 2 2021-08-17
7645 ThinLinc License frifl CLOS FIXE Character encoding is not specified in license warning mail 2021-03-02
7630 ThinLinc VSM Serv frifl CLOS FIXE VSM Server still uses Python 2 2021-07-22
7629 ThinLinc VSM Agen nikle CLOS FIXE VSM Agent still uses Python 2 2021-07-22
7624 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Client doesn't prefer stronger host keys when connecting to agent 2022-08-03
7623 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Client doesn't prefer already known host keys when connecting 2022-08-02
7622 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE It's unclear why multiple sessions are kept on the same agent 2021-03-16
7619 ThinLinc VSM Serv samuel CLOS FIXE New sessions still possible on a removed agent 2021-01-19
7613 ThinLinc Web Acce frifl CLOS FIXE Non-ASCII username gives unhandled error on Ubuntu Latin-9 system 2021-07-22
7610 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE It's unclear how to prevent new sessions from being created on an agent 2022-03-09
7609 ThinLinc Build sy samuel CLOS FIXE bare words are no longer supported in spec files 2021-03-15
7608 ThinLinc Build sy linma CLOS FIXE RPM v3 packages are deprecated 2021-10-11
7603 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE systemd service unit files are incorrectly marked executable 2021-01-21
7602 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE User or group lookup in Web Admin fails on non-UTF-8 systems 2020-12-09
7601 ThinLinc Web Admi frifl CLOS FIXE Admin can not terminate users with unicode usernames 2020-12-10
7597 ThinLinc Web Admi frifl CLOS FIXE In Web Admin, Unicode password does not work if generated on latin-1 system 2021-06-29
7595 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE Indicate critical load in web administration 2020-12-07
7592 ThinLinc VSM Serv adaha CLOS FIXE Crash in a delayed call kills vsmserver/vsmagent 2023-10-25
7587 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE %ghost entries incorrect for Python 3 2020-11-30
7574 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Documentation remains for removed scripts 2020-10-27
7573 ThinLinc Misc samuel CLOS FIXE remove tl-crossover-drives 2020-10-28
7572 ThinLinc Other frifl CLOS FIXE VSM requires Python 2 2021-07-22
7571 ThinLinc Other linma CLOS FIXE Many of our Python programs run without using the system's locale 2021-08-24
7566 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE python-thinlinc doesn't handle Python 3 programs 2021-07-09
7562 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE ThinLinc identifies itself as BaseHTTP/0.3 Python/... 2020-10-06
7560 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE Incorrect "Last-Modified" sent by tlwebaccess and tlwebadm 2020-10-06
7559 ThinLinc Web Acce linma CLOS FIXE AltGr+<key> slightly broken in Firefox on Windows 2021-11-22
7558 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE pyobfuscate doesn't work with Python 3 2023-09-14
7556 ThinLinc Misc frifl CLOS FIXE Our pyxdg is out of date and requires Python 2 2020-12-10
7554 ThinLinc Web Admi frifl CLOS FIXE Parts of Web Administration is still written in Python 2 2021-07-14
7553 ThinLinc Web Admi linma CLOS FIXE Cheetah requires Python 2 2021-03-25
7552 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE Web Access is still written in Python 2 2021-07-14
7547 ThinLinc VSM Serv nikle CLOS FIXE VSM should not crash if a new session is created with a non-existent username 2020-08-25
7541 ThinLinc Client p ossman CLOS FIXE macOS icon lacks higher resolutions 2022-05-18
7532 ThinLinc Client frifl CLOS FIXE Default server no longer exists 2021-01-21
7530 ThinLinc VSM Serv frifl CLOS FIXE Crash in GetLoad call causing agent to no longer be polled 2021-01-18
7529 ThinLinc Build sy nikle CLOS FIXE GnuTLS is out of date 2021-08-30
7521 ThinLinc Client nikle CLOS FIXE Translation problems for logging in Spanish, Italian and Russian 2020-07-02
7492 ThinLinc Misc samuel CLOS FIXE Profile chooser crashes if pygtk isn't available 2020-06-02
7490 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE No usage documentation for Web Access 2020-05-05
7489 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Web Integration in confusing place in documentation 2020-04-29
7488 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE Session information broken with multiple sessions 2020-05-06
7486 ThinLinc Server I samuel CLOS FIXE Traceback from tl-setup when aptbackend fails 2021-05-06
7481 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE Certificate chain using different ASN.1 types do not work 2020-04-03
7478 ThinLinc Other nikle CLOS FIXE Uninstallation of ThinLinc fails sometimes on Linux 2022-04-22
7477 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE Session logging lacks important details 2020-03-20
7469 ThinLinc Client p samuel CLOS FIXE Apple notarization of the ThinLinc Client no longer works 2020-03-27
7467 ThinLinc Other nikle CLOS FIXE services are not correctly started on modern systemd systems 2020-03-18
7465 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE FLTK:s input method is broken on Linux 2020-01-22
7463 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Performance issue on Linux 2020-01-23
7462 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE Truncated agent names do not fit in client session list 2020-01-07
7461 ThinLinc Build sy samuel CLOS FIXE tlclient icons are incorrectly generated 2022-08-09
7460 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Thinstation documentation very out of date 2022-07-26
7456 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Subclusters can be interpreted as optional 2019-12-10
7452 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Documentation lacks information about where to find macOS client logfile 2019-12-05
7451 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE no scrollbars on macOS and ChromeOS when session is larger than client window 2020-02-21
7448 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Upgrade GnuTLS 2021-08-30
7439 ThinLinc Client p bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE macOS client can't start without internet access 2019-11-25
7438 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE XML/SGML catalogs not properly updated 2019-11-22
7435 ThinLinc VNC aleta CLOS FIXE broken system error messages in Russian on Windows 2020-06-18
7433 ThinLinc Other nikle CLOS FIXE Cendio is not listed as the 'Packager' on our RPM packages 2019-11-04
7410 ThinLinc Server I samuel CLOS FIXE the config migration system tries to handle certificates 2019-11-07
7409 ThinLinc Printing aleta CLOS FIXE generic (and incorrect) driver names for nearest/thinlocal 2019-11-25
7397 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE annoying and confusing websocket warning in browser console 2019-10-11
7394 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE instructions for self signed certificate with iOS are out of date 2019-10-16
7389 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE cannot navigate the Web Access control bar using keyboard 2019-11-05
7380 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Internal error 500 on invalid loginsubmit URL parameter to webaccess 2019-09-25
7376 ThinLinc Client aleta CLOS FIXE Confusing error when trying to use empty path for public key 2019-10-03
7373 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE We're out of sync with upstream TigerVNC 2022-08-30
7371 ThinLinc Client p samuel CLOS FIXE macOS 10.15+ complains that tlclient isn't checked for malware 2019-11-25
7370 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE Upgrade OpenSSH 2019-12-05
7368 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE noVNC takes a long time to load on Internet Explorer 2019-11-14
7366 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE NodeJS is needed to build and test noVNC 2019-11-12
7365 ThinLinc Web Acce nikle CLOS FIXE We're out of sync with upstream noVNC 2019-10-10
7362 ThinLinc Build sy samuel CLOS FIXE Upgrade GCC to latest 5.x 2024-06-10
7348 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE SLE 15 lacks pygtk and python-ldap in standard repositories 2019-07-11
7347 ThinLinc Server O samuel CLOS FIXE considered legacy on SLE 15 2019-07-17
7346 ThinLinc Misc astrand CLOS FIXE /profiles/default cannot be optimal on all systems 2019-06-18
7345 ThinLinc Server O astrand CLOS FIXE Validate Ubuntu 19.04 2019-07-22
7344 ThinLinc Server I astrand CLOS FIXE server installer/tl-setup via SSH sometimes displays windows on console 2019-06-26
7343 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Impossible to start server installer from GUI with some GNOME versions 2019-07-02
7342 ThinLinc Server O astrand CLOS FIXE Validate Fedora 30 2019-07-22
7339 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE service installation fails on SLE 15 2019-08-19
7336 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE Validate SLES 15 2019-07-22
7332 ThinLinc Smart ca ossman CLOS FIXE incorrect use of g_cond_wait() in pcsctun 2019-06-07
7331 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE Ports can't be automatically unbound on systems with new versions of iproute (RHEL8) 2019-11-07
7330 ThinLinc Server O linma CLOS FIXE python-ldap for Python 2 missing on modern distributions 2021-07-14
7329 ThinLinc Server O samuel CLOS FIXE pygtk2-libglade missing on RHEL8 2019-08-01
7328 ThinLinc Server O astrand CLOS FIXE Validate RHEL8 2019-07-22
7309 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE incorrect progress bar on upgrade on deb systems 2019-02-15
7306 ThinLinc Smart ca ossman CLOS FIXE client doesn't support sha256/sha512 smart card authentication 2024-04-09
7291 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE We are using an old version of nasm 2020-01-20
7290 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE We are not using the latest version of libjpeg-turbo 2020-01-20
7282 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE AltGr doesn't work with FreeRDP 2020-01-27
7281 ThinLinc VNC aleta CLOS FIXE Shift+Alt doesn't work with VMware and Windows client 2020-06-18
7245 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE zlib is not backwards compatible enough 2018-09-24
7239 ThinLinc VNC hean01 CLOS FIXE incorrect colors in low color mode 2018-09-27
7224 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE glibc in build system is older than our requirement 2018-09-13
7221 ThinLinc Server O samuel CLOS FIXE Ports can't be automatically unbound on systems with new versions of iproute 2018-08-28
7220 ThinLinc VSM Agen ossman CLOS FIXE Traceback in vsmagent.log due to unhandled exception 2018-08-14
7210 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE ssh crash on Kerberos errors on Windows 2019-02-18
7201 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE improve controls for panning a large session 2021-12-09
7195 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE Internal error when trying to delete new (not yet added) entries in Web Adm GUI 2023-03-09
7194 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE No link to load in system status overview 2018-06-07
7189 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE TAG wrongly states that you can get microphone support for rdesktop connections 2018-05-28
7186 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE web access debug log is too verbose 2018-05-25
7180 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE our documentation claims to describe how to set up PAM 2018-05-21
7178 ThinLinc Server O hean01 CLOS FIXE SSHD reports dispatch_protocol_error in /var/log/secure upon connection with ThinLinc client 2019-02-14
7176 ThinLinc Other samuel CLOS FIXE Remove "recommended distributions" 2018-05-21
7162 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE cannot build cenbuild packages on Fedora 27+ 2018-05-23
7158 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE We are out of sync with upstream TigerVNC 2018-09-14
7139 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE optimised fbBlt isn't used in Xvnc 2018-09-18
7138 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Incorrect logging for reconnect to Windows 2016 2018-03-29
7137 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE Dutch translation full color overflows frame 2020-01-23
7136 ThinLinc Client nikle CLOS FIXE Russian translation for column headers in session list overflows column width 2020-07-02
7135 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE Russian translation of username label for input field does not fit 2020-01-07
7130 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Platform specific notes are not mentioned in the TAG 2018-03-22
7126 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE No animation for initial close of toolbar if it starts on the right side 2019-11-04
7124 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE no error to user or in log file for pamtester errors 2018-06-12
7098 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE invalid format/method of error log from vsm control pipe 2023-11-28
7096 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Scaling support for rdesktop 2017-12-19
7095 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Enable wallpaper by default in Windows integration 2017-12-19
7085 ThinLinc Client p samuel CLOS FIXE "ThinLinc Client" isn't translated in Windows installer 2018-02-12
7081 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE (possible) incorrect background in webaccess login 2017-11-22
7074 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Xvnc crash with Chinese font "Simsun" 2017-11-06
7070 ThinLinc Client hean01 CLOS FIXE There is a gap between tlclient and vncviewer where nothing is shown to the user 2017-11-02
7068 ThinLinc | rdeskt derfian CLOS FIXE Session resize forces re-authentication on Windows 2016 2018-02-01
7060 ThinLinc Server I samuel CLOS FIXE install-server.desktop file no longer trusted by nautilus 2017-10-16
7057 ThinLinc | rdeskt derfian CLOS FIXE rdesktop spams smart card errors under normal usage 2017-12-29
7056 ThinLinc Document astrand CLOS FIXE Inconsistent example user names in TAG 2017-10-02
7053 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Pause is not sent correctly in rdesktop 2017-09-27
7052 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Mouse buttons 4 and 5 doesn't work in rdesktop 2017-09-29
7050 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE rdesktop spams lots of rdpsnd_process errors to stderr 2017-10-02
7045 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE no audio in Firefox on RHEL 7 2017-10-03
7035 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Info about tl-load-agent is false on at least 2012r2 and 2016 2017-09-13
7033 ThinLinc Misc samuel CLOS FIXE tl-run-rdesktop should handle more disconnect reason codes 2017-12-07
7032 ThinLinc | rdeskt samuel CLOS FIXE There is disconnect reason codes that are not handled at all 2017-12-19
7025 ThinLinc VNC hean01 CLOS FIXE Xvnc segmentation fault with Teamcenter and Chinese fonts 2017-08-23
7016 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE failure to connect to the agent is listed as failing to connect to VNC 2017-08-22
6995 ThinLinc VSM Agen derfian CLOS FIXE VSM Agent only runs "sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range" on Python "linux2" platforms 2017-08-21
6994 ThinLinc Client p hean01 CLOS FIXE the client is incorrectly shown as "tlclient" in some places in Windows 2017-07-06
6992 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE not documented how to use branding with customizer 2017-06-27
6990 ThinLinc Client p ossman CLOS FIXE uninstalling leaves stray files on Windows 2017-06-20
6986 ThinLinc Client p ossman CLOS FIXE not everything is translated in client Windows installer 2018-01-24
6974 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE ThinLinc Client Option tabs are in different order after starting session 2022-01-04
6971 ThinLinc Client derfian CLOS FIXE Connect and cancel buttons in wrong order in "Select session" window 2017-08-21
6970 ThinLinc Other samuel CLOS FIXE ThinLinc uses "OS X", but the platform is now called "macOS" 2018-05-18
6968 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE "Terminate session" button text overflow 2017-12-05
6964 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE Citrix integration scripts no longer relevant 2017-05-15
6963 ThinLinc Document bojme CLOS FIXE Change UNIX to Linux in documentation 2017-09-26
6962 ThinLinc Build sy astrand CLOS FIXE Top-level Makefile dependency rules are broken 2017-05-04
6960 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Inconsistency in where we document configuration parameters 2020-04-29
6351 ThinLinc Server I samuel CLOS FIXE Bad colors in graphical installer and tlsetup in dark theme 2021-05-04
6347 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Web Access graphical glitches in Chrome on Android 2017-10-23
6235 ThinLinc Other nikle CLOS FIXE remove_service calls systemctl incorrectly 2022-04-22
6222 ThinLinc Web Acce aleta CLOS FIXE Text input problem when collapsing clipboard ui without clicking in session 2020-03-25
6221 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE UI for additional authentication prompt (OTP) are not that great 2018-07-11
6219 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Inconsistent use of ThinLinc Web Access/HTML5 client 2017-12-11
6195 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE Setting popup menu key to "Print" on Windows does not work 2017-09-04
6188 ThinLinc Misc samuel CLOS FIXE profile chooser icons are out of date 2017-09-26
6175 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE images have needlessly high depth 2017-03-20
6169 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE crash in thinlinc-login for invalid -c argument 2017-03-27
6168 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE thinlinc-login crashes when given empty -c argument 2017-03-27
6164 ThinLinc Server O samuel CLOS FIXE Test Ubuntu 16.10 2017-03-27
6161 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Graphical bugs in Safari on Mac OS 2018-03-08
6160 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE web access stops updating until you move the mouse 2017-05-15
6156 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE validate Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 2019-08-27
6154 ThinLinc Server I samuel CLOS FIXE tl-setup doesn't work with broken repos on apt systems 2021-05-06
6153 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Our TigerVNC is out of sync with upstream 2017-05-10
6143 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE handle_response API is poorly named 2023-11-07
6139 ThinLinc Client p samuel CLOS FIXE ThinLinc client fails to install using gnome-software 2017-03-20
6137 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE fragile API for VSMXMLRPCCall 2017-03-20
6136 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE errors in xmlrpc error handlers are silently ignored 2017-03-20
6132 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Web Access is out of sync with noVNC 2022-05-02
6117 ThinLinc VSM Agen ossman CLOS FIXE tl-session prints some log lines incorrectly 2021-03-11
6116 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE ThinLinc uses old version of FLTK 2020-01-21
6106 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE different versions of the client aren't grouped on Windows 2017-03-24
6103 ThinLinc Sound ossman CLOS FIXE Server side pulseaudio fails if Esound socket is already in use 2019-02-18
6094 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Documentation says the details-button next to local printers is only shown on Windows 2017-03-20
6085 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Incorrect initial size for Web Access 2017-04-20
6084 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE The documentation doesn't mention that you can 'add to home screen' on Android 2017-03-20
6049 ThinLinc Desktop ossman CLOS FIXE Gnome screensaver crash on login in Unity 2016-10-13
6021 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE "no profiles" message in tl-select-profile is not translated 2022-01-13
6010 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Elements like buttons in Web Access UI can be selected 2023-07-11
6007 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE On-screen keyboard disappears when interacting with the Web Access GUI 2017-04-24
5989 ThinLinc VSM Agen derfian CLOS FIXE Remove run_pfiles, parse_pfiles_output, parse_pgrep_output functions from handler_unbindports 2017-03-20
5985 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE tl-setup calls checks/init functions in different orders in GUI and text mode 2021-08-24
5980 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE tl-setup's lsb step installs more than necessary 2021-08-24
5965 ThinLinc Other derfian CLOS FIXE Remove async.format_exc compatibility function 2017-03-20
5963 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Trailing whitespace in username causes authentication to fail in the HTML5 client 2016-09-23
5958 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE vncviewer crashes on Windows for CRLF clipboard 2016-09-23
5957 ThinLinc Smart ca ossman CLOS FIXE CA certificate can prevent automatic login 2016-09-23
5955 ThinLinc Document hean01 CLOS FIXE TAG says SeamlessRDP isn't supported on Windows 2012/2012 R2 2016-12-05
5952 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE LANG is a bad example for /vsmagent/default_environment 2017-03-20
5949 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Gnome 3 considers rdesktop to be unresponsive 2017-03-24
5946 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE install_server says it can't find update-rc.d when it hasn't looked for it 2016-09-23
5939 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE outdated documentation for tlclient --lock 2016-12-05
5937 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE ThinLinc icons do not show up on SUSE Enterprise 12 right away 2019-01-03
5936 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE XML-RPC errors from the client are not sent to log file 2024-01-05
5927 ThinLinc Printing thoni56 CLOS FIXE TAG chapter on nearest isn't updated for current tlwebadm UI 2016-09-23
5916 ThinLinc Server I hean01 CLOS INVA tl-setup does not open firewall ports for tlclient.cgi 2018-09-13
5909 ThinLinc VNC samuel CLOS FIXE String for custom compression level is different in tlclient and vncviewer 2022-09-08
5908 ThinLinc Client astrand CLOS FIXE tlclient and vncviewer option dialogs has very different window sizes 2016-05-30
5900 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE Can't hide details of items in tlwebadm after viewing them 2023-03-09
5887 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE tl-run-winapp doesn't work since access to cmd is denied by default 2017-10-27
5886 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE tl-run-winapp-seamless: Access to seamlessrdpshell is denied by default 2017-10-27
5868 ThinLinc Automati derfian CLOS FIXE unit tests should be primarily (exclusively?) targeting working copy 2018-08-21
5853 ThinLinc Build sy hean01 CLOS FIXE Upgrade libtasn1 to the latest version 2016-12-05
5846 ThinLinc Smart ca ossman CLOS FIXE Upgrade pcsc-lite version in cenbuild 2022-06-13
5844 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Click while panning 2016-09-23
5841 ThinLinc Server I samuel CLOS WORK Ugly output in text mode with tl-setup 2021-02-23
5840 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE stray : left in some translations 2016-04-15
5830 ThinLinc Desktop ossman CLOS FIXE policykit dialog on login in Unity 2016-09-23
5829 ThinLinc Server O derfian CLOS FIXE recommend Ubuntu 16.04 2016-09-27
5827 ThinLinc Server O astrand CLOS FIXE install_inetd is broken on Ubuntu 16.04 2016-06-30
5820 ThinLinc Printing ossman CLOS FIXE traceback in thinlocal when option lacks a value 2016-04-01
5818 ThinLinc Document astrand CLOS FIXE Re-generate TAG images from Dia files 2016-04-04
5817 ThinLinc Document hean01 CLOS FIXE ThinLinc Architecture image in TAG is outdated 2017-03-20
5804 ThinLinc Build sy hean01 CLOS FIXE incorrect PKG_CONFIG_PATH set for cenbuild 2016-04-01
5796 ThinLinc Misc astrand CLOS FIXE and references stale parameter /vsm/vsm_server_bound_interface 2016-04-01
5794 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Missing documentation for a few client parameters 2017-03-20
5793 ThinLinc Document astrand CLOS FIXE Stale client parameters in TAG 2016-04-12
5780 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Officially list Microsoft Edge on Windows Desktop as tested 2019-10-31
5777 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Text flickers when scrolling 2016-05-13
5772 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE server clipboard needs external process (vncconfig) to function 2016-12-05
5764 ThinLinc VSM Agen astrand CLOS FIXE PermitOpen functionality should add quotes around username with whitespace 2018-09-17
5754 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE use nettle in Xvnc instead of openssl 2019-02-18
5744 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Remove rdp2vnc and uiports from the rdesktop project 2017-12-18
5724 ThinLinc Other derfian CLOS FIXE It's hard to know how the configuration changes between each release 2016-04-14
5723 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE It's easy to miss the configuration migration step 2016-12-05
5719 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE deferred updates misbehaves with large updates (and is currently "disabled") 2018-09-24
5708 ThinLinc Other samuel CLOS FIXE tlclient.cgi generated client configuration file ends with "</BODY></HTML>" 2017-03-20
5706 ThinLinc Misc derfian CLOS FIXE On Ubuntu, Apache CGI module is not enabled by default 2018-09-13
5702 ThinLinc Printing samuel CLOS FIXE tl-limit-printers crashes on non-existing printer 2020-11-10
5677 ThinLinc VSM Serv derfian CLOS FIXE tl-show-licenses reports wrong license count if run as user 2019-01-25
5675 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE Remove extproc.EncryptString 2016-09-23
5674 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE We ship xliff files to translators that we never take care of 2018-11-16
5665 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE often incorrect log message in VSMXMLRPCCall exception handler 2023-12-05
5655 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE pamtester has no debug symbols 2015-09-25
5653 ThinLinc Document derfian CLOS FIXE We're not anywhere near moving tlclient configuration to hiveconf 2016-09-23
5651 ThinLinc Web Acce nikle CLOS FIXE Error when disconnecting from Web Access on Firefox 2019-11-06
5642 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Investigate how our HTML5 client works in Microsoft Edge 2016-04-12
5637 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Misleading image and description about "ThinLinc Cluster HA Setup" 2016-12-05
5632 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE connection errors result in "loading" message remaining shown 2015-09-25
5630 ThinLinc VSM Agen aleta CLOS FIXE encrypt-vnc-pw is needlessly complex (replace with Python DES?) 2019-10-07
5626 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE silence log noise from 'type' 2015-09-25
5620 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE New codesigning certificate 2015-09-04
5612 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE leftover VDI documentation about Novell 2015-09-25
5610 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Sometimes we don't get a framebuffer update after panning 2017-03-27
5608 ThinLinc Document hean01 CLOS FIXE Remove or update NordicEdge OTP section in the TAG 2016-12-05
5605 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE incorrect canvas position after pan and resize 2017-03-27
5603 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Visually indicate uncought javascript errors in the HTML5 client 2015-09-25
5594 ThinLinc Server O nikle CLOS FIXE install_initd broken on debian 2020-03-16
5589 ThinLinc Sound ossman CLOS FIXE upgrade PulseAudio 2020-01-16
5584 ThinLinc Server O samuel CLOS FIXE Gnome, Unity and KDE with modern polkit gives auth dialogs on login 2017-05-19
5583 ThinLinc Sound ossman CLOS FIXE remove unused librt dependency 2015-09-25
5582 ThinLinc Smart ca ossman CLOS FIXE fix rpath in pcsctun (and possibly others) 2015-09-25
5578 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE include symbolic icons for the client and server apps 2015-09-25
5576 ThinLinc Server I derfian CLOS FIXE Ubuntu doesn't have /etc/apache2/conf.d -> tl-setup claims it can't speak to localhost:443 2018-09-13
5575 ThinLinc Build sy hean01 CLOS FIXE Failed to rebuild glibc with make 4+ 2016-04-01
5573 ThinLinc VSM Serv hean01 CLOS FIXE Use /proc instead of ps parsing where applicable. 2017-05-18
5569 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE implement a better repo sync handling for the build system 2015-09-25
5563 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE The server should log keyboard input 2015-09-25
5562 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE no server translations for pt_BR 2015-06-03
5559 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE some translations don't fit in the UI 2015-10-16
5558 ThinLinc Client p hean01 CLOS FIXE Test the ThinLinc client on Windows 10 2016-12-05
5556 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE traceback in vsmserver when stressing Web Access 2023-11-03
5546 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Poor documentation for /webaccess/login_page 2016-12-05
5545 ThinLinc VSM Serv hean01 CLOS FIXE Traceback in vsmserver 2015-09-25
5539 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Upgrade OpenSSH to latest version 2015-09-25
5531 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE remove/change comment about android browser 2015-09-25
5530 ThinLinc VSM Agen ossman CLOS FIXE more logging on session shutdown reason 2015-09-25
5528 ThinLinc VSM Agen samuel CLOS FIXE Font path list is likely very out of date 2021-11-16
5527 ThinLinc Server I samuel NEW --- Unclear title on last page of ThinLinc installer after upgrade 2021-06-14
5526 ThinLinc VNC samuel CLOS FIXE visually indicate that you are shadowing someone else 2018-10-15
5518 ThinLinc Printing ossman CLOS WORK All print jobs are (still) sent as raw (on Ubuntu and possibly other distributions) 2018-10-09
5513 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE don't use SHA-1 in our certificates as it is considered weak 2019-11-01
5510 ThinLinc Document derfian CLOS FIXE Lists in HTML-ified release notes are enclosed in blockquote elements 2016-04-22
5507 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Always show the viewport drag button on touch devices 2015-09-25
5506 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE epiphany always shows touch controls in Web Access (bad touch detection) 2023-05-17
5502 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Translation of "Control Panel" does not fit in button for most languages 2015-10-16
5501 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Xvnc isn't reusing ports properly 2015-04-30
5490 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Xvnc debug package lacks source code for RFB code 2015-04-28
5484 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE vncviewer F8 About dialog is displayed incorrectly 2015-04-30
5482 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS WORK Multihead doesn't work on KDE 2022-01-18
5477 ThinLinc VSM Serv nikle CLOS FIXE vsmserver/vsmagent/tlwebadm/tlwebaccess renice after a few days 2020-03-24
5474 ThinLinc VNC astrand CLOS FIXE Use #ifdef conditionals for added and removed upstream TigerVNC code 2015-04-23
5470 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Move rdesktop from Sourceforge to github 2016-12-05
5468 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Routine for renewing code signing certificates 2015-09-25
5466 ThinLinc Client p astrand CLOS FIXE OS X client license files are located in incorrect bundle directory 2015-04-15
5463 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE libgmp very slow on solaris 2015-04-10
5459 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE Make vendordrop structure for websockify 2020-11-11
5456 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Remove osx32 environment and OS X 10.4 code compatibility 2015-09-25
5449 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Re-write tlclient OS X printing dialogs 2015-04-13
5447 ThinLinc VSM Serv derfian CLOS FIXE Restarting vsmserver may lead to all sessions being verified at the same time 2015-04-24
5444 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Send client build number to the server 2015-03-30
5443 ThinLinc Desktop ossman CLOS FIXE KDE Plasma Support 2015-04-20
5439 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE Don't build RPM:s with _noPayloadPrefix or --nodirtokens 2016-04-01
5436 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE integrate glib requirement in LSB requirement 2015-04-23
5435 ThinLinc Build sy samuel CLOS FIXE Outdated version of RPM in build system 2024-03-26
5434 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Public key authentication chapter does not specify which key format is expected by ThinLinc client. 2015-03-20
5430 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Upgrade GCC to 4.9.X 2024-06-10
5429 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE ThinLinc client crash when selecting read / write if running italian locale. 2015-04-17
5420 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Remove all uses of sys.exit(1) in tl-setup and related modules 2015-09-25
5406 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Internal Xorg headers aren't C++ compatible 2015-04-10
5405 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE SLE 12 is missing LSB support 2015-05-11
5404 ThinLinc Server I hean01 CLOS FIXE tl-setup fails to detect system type for SLE12 2015-05-07
5403 ThinLinc Server I derfian CLOS FIXE Package installer for zypper is incompatible with SLE12 2015-05-11
5397 ThinLinc Server I derfian CLOS FIXE tl-setup logs that it doesn't know packages for nfs when it means packages for selinux-policy-devel 2015-03-20
5393 ThinLinc Other samuel CLOS FIXE Use "Remote Desktop Server" term rather than "Terminal Server" 2015-05-13
5382 ThinLinc Misc derfian CLOS FIXE Update Windows screenshot, use "Remote Desktop Services" rather than "Terminal Server" for RDP 2015-05-11
5375 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE No documentation for hiveconf list syntax 2016-04-01
5373 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Redirect pinned vncviewer.exe to tlclient.exe 2015-04-16
5370 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE TLDC claims to support only KDE and GNOME 2021-10-26
5365 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE iOS 8 top bar in web-app view obscures the control bar of the HTML5 client 2015-04-28
5361 ThinLinc VSM Serv hean01 CLOS FIXE Add use of new comment field in license 2015-04-01
5358 ThinLinc License ossman CLOS FIXE EULA clarification: Moving licenses files between clusters is permitted 2015-04-16
5352 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE We should stop modifying the canvas size in the HTML5 client 2015-04-30
5350 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE the documentation shouldn't state anything about reseller/customer contracts 2015-03-20
5346 ThinLinc Client p astrand CLOS FIXE IGEL client package cannot be installed on IZ2 due to missing Custom Partition feature 2015-03-20
5335 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE upgrade to FLTK 1.3.3 2015-04-24
5332 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Session resize doesn't work properly on Firefox 33 on Android 2016-04-01
5329 ThinLinc Server O hean01 CLOS FIXE test Suse Linux Enterprise 12 (SLE/SLED/SLES 12) 2015-03-20
5326 ThinLinc Client astrand CLOS FIXE constants TLCONTROL and SCANSCRIPT in tlclient doesn't use tlprefix 2015-05-22
5319 ThinLinc Other hean01 CLOS FIXE update URLs 2016-12-05
5309 ThinLinc Misc astrand CLOS FIXE bad/missing linkkit for tlstunnel 2017-03-20
5307 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE bundle README:s refer to product as terminal server 2015-03-20
5297 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE tlclient leaks MD5 hash handle 2017-03-20
5295 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE socket errno codes broken in modern Windows environments 2015-06-01
5289 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Inconsistent use of option and argument in "Commands on the ThinLinc Server" chapter 2021-11-02
5287 ThinLinc Build sy astrand CLOS FIXE upgrade mingw 2015-04-16
5285 ThinLinc Build sy derfian CLOS FIXE Investigate use of deprecated spec-file directives in our build system 2015-04-28
5284 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE remove Neoware chapter 2015-03-20
5281 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Remove VXL chapter 2015-03-20
5267 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE Only use version 5 of HTML, in entire product 2023-01-03
5262 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE CUPS check fails on RHEL 7 if available thanks to systemd 2014-10-06
5261 ThinLinc Client astrand CLOS FIXE translation issues for quality string 2014-10-06
5256 ThinLinc Build sy astrand CLOS FIXE upgrade gcc 2015-04-16
5255 ThinLinc Web Acce hean01 CLOS FIXE webaccess tracebacks to log on \0 in username 2022-10-21
5249 ThinLinc Server O derfian CLOS FIXE pam_systemd causes AVC for ThinLinc 2015-03-23
5248 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Unable to zoom terminal window size with Ctrl+- on X11 clients 2014-10-07
5247 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE New logging implementation 2017-09-26
5244 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Remove dead links in main.tmpl 2018-04-24
5243 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE SELinux on RHEL 7 produces AVC denials for access syscalls 2014-10-06
5240 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman CLOS FIXE services restarted by tlwebadm get wrong SELinux context 2014-10-06
5239 ThinLinc Desktop ossman CLOS FIXE tl-run-profile/tl-select-profile doesn't detect KDE on RHEL7 2022-05-31
5235 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE Newer Apache gives 403 Forbidden with the current thinlinc.conf directives 2015-10-12
5234 ThinLinc Other samuel CLOS FIXE Remove tlclient.cgi.log 2014-10-06
5224 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE HTML5 client uses (some) HTML4 pages 2014-10-06
5222 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE RDPDR channel sometimes stops working when a smart card is inserted / removed on Windows 2012 R2 server 2014-10-07
5221 ThinLinc Document derfian CLOS FIXE tlwebaccess certificate can be shared with clients 2014-10-07
5218 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE HTTPS+NoVNC tries to connect to non-encrypted WebSocket 2014-10-13
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.


File a new bug in the "ThinLinc" product