noVNC uses NodeJS in a lot of development scripts and for the unit tests. We'd like to be able to use these as well, so we need to get the requirements in to our build environment. What we need is NodeJS itself, and an easy way to get NPM packages in to the build system (at least for things that will be automated).
Unfortunately NodeJS triggers a bug in our gcc, so we need to upgrade that. It also requires OpenSSL 1.1+, so we also have to fix that.
Packaging done now. Tested by producing all the packaging for eslint and checking that it works. Actually packaging some nodejs modules will be done on the bugs that require specific modules.
Works great. Verified by doing the following: 1. Made a test program that required and used the nodejs package called 'mocha' 2. Verified that running the test program in cbrun didn't work 3. Created RPMs for mocha and all it's dependencies 4. Installed all the new RPMs 5. Verified that the test program now worked