Name Description Open Bugs Total Bugs
aaron_tester Bugs that Aaron will test Search 127
adaha_tester Bugs that Adam will test Search 29
aleta_tester Bugs that Alex will test Search 28
aleze_tester Bugs that Alexander will test Search 22
astrand_tester Bugs that Peter will test Search 697
bojan_tester Bugs that Bojan will test Search 4
candidate_200 Candidates for 2.0.0 Search 16
critical Test bugs that must be performed each test period Search 19
derfian_tester Bugs that Karl will test Search 265
emeer_tester Bugs that Emelie will test Search 9
fltk Bugs that are related to FLTK in one way or another. Search 6
focus_focus Focus area for some bug related to focus handling. Bug Samuel about details. Search 6
focus_loadbalancer Focus area for Load Balancer issues Search 6
focus_shadowing Focus Shadowing Search 12
formertestbug Bugs that used to be a testbug, but isn't anymore. This keyword can be used for example to mark a bug that is not valid for the current release, but was valid for the last. Search 161
forsberg_tester Bugs that Forsberg will test Search 300
frifl_tester Bugs that Frida will test Search 71
george_tester Bugs that George will test Search 41
hean01_tester Bugs that Henrik will test Search 428
ingwa_tester Bugs that Inge will test Search 151
interesting_200 Interesting bugs for 2.0.0 Search 60
interesting_210 Bugs interesting for the 2.1.0 release. Search 101
linma_tester Bugs that Linn will test Search 91
madni_tester Bugs that Madeleine will test Search 1
morgan_tester Bugs that Morgan will test Search 4
nikle_tester Bugs that Niko will test Search 68
ossman_tester Bugs that Pierre will test Search 632
pcok Approved by the Product Council to work on Search 8
prosaic The opposite of "relnotes". Search 888
pugo_tester Bugs that Pugo will test Search 67
relnotes This bug should be mentioned in the release notes. Search 533
reusing This keyword indicates that this bug is reused for every release, so it shouldn't be included in the list of corrected issues. Search 3
samuel_tester Bugs that Samuel will test Search 350
testbug This is not an ordinary bug, it's a test bug. That means it's meant to be reopened and reassigned for every release, during the test period. Search 90
thomas_tester Bugs that Thomas will test Search 36
tobfa_tester Bugs that Tobias will test Search 60
translation Bugs that should be handled by our translators. Used so we can easily find them when we send them a new translation bundle. Search 10
upstream Bugs where we are waiting for upstream to do something. Don't forget to add relevant URL:s to the bug! Search 93
web2.0_candidate Buggar som eventuellt ska utföras som del av "innehÄllsrikare web" Search 38
wilsj_tester Bugs that William will test Search 53