ID | Product | Comp | Assignee▲ | Status▲ | Resolution | Summary | Changed |
5467 | ThinLinc | Server I | samuel | RESO | FIXE | text-mode tl-setup presents unreadable list of packages to install | Tue 14:39 |
8421 | ThinLinc | Document | bugzilla-qa | CLOS | FIXE | Instructions to verify RPM signatures misses good security practices | 2024-10-29 |
8424 | ThinLinc | Document | bugzilla-qa | CLOS | FIXE | Important info is cropped out from "ThinLinc startup" diagram | 2024-10-08 |
8192 | ThinLinc | Other | madni | CLOS | FIXE | Cookies will have different "SameSite" setting depending on the browser | 2024-10-10 |
5943 | ThinLinc | Web Admi | samuel | CLOS | FIXE | It is easy to miss and hard to discover which username to use for authentication | 2024-10-22 |
8400 | ThinLinc | Other | tobfa | CLOS | FIXE | Security scanners complain about missing iframe headers | 2024-10-11 |
8320 | ThinLinc | Document | wilsj | CLOS | FIXE | The TAG introduction chapters are non-informative and outdated | 2024-10-29 |