Sat Jul 27 2024 04:36:54 CEST
"Obviously I was either onto something, or on something." - Larry Wall on the creation of Perl
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1920 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE Test installation and upgrade on Solaris 10 2015-10-15
3060 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE Test installation and upgrade on SLED11 SP3 (64-bit) 2015-05-07
3507 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE Test installation and upgrade on RHEL Server 6 (64-bit) 2014-10-09
4688 ThinLinc Server O astrand CLOS FIXE Test installation and upgrade on Fedora 19 (64-bit) 2014-04-30
5024 ThinLinc Server O astrand CLOS FIXE Test installation and upgrade on Fedora 20 (32-bit) 2015-05-07
5881 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE Test single sign on (SSO) 2016-08-31
6 bugs found.


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