When checking the config param allowed_clients in VSM agent it is possible to get an uncaught error: > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "/opt/thinlinc/sbin/vsmagent", line 20, in <module> > VSMAgent ( sys . argv ) > File "/opt/thinlinc/modules/thinlinc/vsm/vsmagent.py", line 133, in > __init__ > extra_hosts = Ii11iII1 ) > File "/opt/thinlinc/modules/thinlinc/vsm/authoritychecker.py", line > 20, in __init__ > self . update_allowed_ips ( parent . hive . get_string_list ( > allowed_clients_hivepath , [ ] ) + extra_hosts ) > File "/opt/thinlinc/modules/thinlinc/vsm/authoritychecker.py", line > 26, in update_allowed_ips > oooO0oo0oOOOO = socket . gethostbyname_ex ( i1I1ii1II1iII ) [ 2 ] > socket.herror: [Errno 0] Resolver Error 0 (no error) This was actually seen in a customer logfile and I have not been able to reproduce this error myself.
Should be fixed now.
Jenkins tests are failing.
Jenkins tests are passing again. Additional unit tests has been added to cover when socket.gethostbyname_ex throws an socket.herror.