Wed Dec 4 2024 20:11:28 CET
Operator overloading and other features sure make C++ equally adaptable to any problem domain. This is achieved by making it the wrong tool for every job. - C++ FQA
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240 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
7125 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel NEW --- modern sssd with Active Directory denies web access by default 2023-11-14
7592 ThinLinc VSM Serv adaha CLOS FIXE Crash in a delayed call kills vsmserver/vsmagent 2023-10-25
7809 ThinLinc Server I adaha CLOS FIXE Server RPMs cannot be installed on FIPS enforcing system 2024-04-08
8259 ThinLinc Other adaha CLOS FIXE asyncio log messages aren't properly logged 2023-12-04
3898 ThinLinc VNC aleta CLOS FIXE Consider removing "dismiss menu" entry from F8 menu 2020-01-27
7376 ThinLinc Client aleta CLOS FIXE Confusing error when trying to use empty path for public key 2019-10-03
8334 ThinLinc Other alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Newer python unittest-module breaks with hyphen in script names 2024-05-28
1760 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE Hiveconf should be able to migrate configuration after RPM upgrade 2016-12-05
4017 ThinLinc Document astrand CLOS FIXE Password change with ThinLinc client requires keyboard-interactive 2018-05-22
4661 ThinLinc Web Acce astrand CLOS FIXE iPad and using external keyboard forces to show onscreen keyboard 2020-06-16
4926 ThinLinc Client p astrand CLOS FIXE Start building a 64-bit Windows client in the nightly build 2015-03-26
4983 ThinLinc Misc astrand CLOS FIXE poor window placement of startup windows 2018-08-13
5090 ThinLinc Client p astrand CLOS FIXE Linux client installation modifies defaults.list, which contains configuration about default applications 2019-01-03
5206 ThinLinc Client astrand CLOS FIXE Scripts in /etc/profile.d don't need execute permissions 2014-10-15
5360 ThinLinc Client p astrand CLOS FIXE Remove Client support for Windows XP, 2003, 2003 R2, Vista, and 2008 2017-03-20
5476 ThinLinc VSM Serv astrand CLOS FIXE poor handling of session on downed agent 2021-04-16
5495 ThinLinc VNC astrand CLOS FIXE cannot close/disconnect client when constantly being fed data 2017-03-24
5597 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE drop support for Windows 2003 2017-03-20
5828 ThinLinc Server O astrand CLOS FIXE Debian and Ubuntu have officialy abandoned LSB 2016-12-05
5937 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE ThinLinc icons do not show up on SUSE Enterprise 12 right away 2019-01-03
6079 ThinLinc Client p astrand CLOS FIXE rudimentary (only UI) high dpi support on macOS 2017-05-22
7183 ThinLinc Other astrand CLOS FIXE upgrading the client or server makes the .desktop file go away on RPM systems 2022-04-22
3854 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE clean up tladm templates 2023-03-09
7369 ThinLinc Build sy bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE Upgrade OpenSSL 2019-12-03
8141 ThinLinc Server I bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE Traceback from sudo module in tl-setup 2024-11-06
4636 ThinLinc VSM Agen derfian CLOS FIXE stop creating ~/.thinlinc 2014-04-01
4837 ThinLinc Document derfian CLOS FIXE logging chapter out of date 2014-04-29
5173 ThinLinc Document derfian CLOS FIXE Describe shadowing 2017-03-21
5403 ThinLinc Server I derfian CLOS FIXE Package installer for zypper is incompatible with SLE12 2015-05-11
5437 ThinLinc Server O derfian CLOS FIXE support/recommend SLES12 2015-05-12
5677 ThinLinc VSM Serv derfian CLOS FIXE tl-show-licenses reports wrong license count if run as user 2019-01-25
5724 ThinLinc Other derfian CLOS FIXE It's hard to know how the configuration changes between each release 2016-04-14
5879 ThinLinc Client p derfian CLOS FIXE Windows will soon deprecate SHA-1 for code signing 2017-03-23
5954 ThinLinc Server I derfian CLOS FIXE tl-setup imports system, incompatible with from python 2.4 2016-09-23
5989 ThinLinc VSM Agen derfian CLOS FIXE Remove run_pfiles, parse_pfiles_output, parse_pgrep_output functions from handler_unbindports 2017-03-20
7068 ThinLinc | rdeskt derfian CLOS FIXE Session resize forces re-authentication on Windows 2016 2018-02-01
8319 ThinLinc Web Acce emeer CLOS FIXE Security scanners complain about Python version number 2024-10-29
7889 ThinLinc Other emilo CLOS FIXE not all tools use our option parser 2024-06-17
7672 ThinLinc Other frifl CLOS FIXE Administrator commands are not easily available via sudo 2022-03-08
7808 ThinLinc License frifl CLOS FIXE Allow 10 users without licenses 2022-02-08
8230 ThinLinc Other frifl CLOS FIXE Our method of handling delaying calls relies on deprecated asyncio 2023-12-13
37 ThinLinc Other hean01 CLOS FIXE Shadowing confirmation 2018-05-31
2251 ThinLinc VSM Agen hean01 CLOS FIXE Always terminate existing connections 2016-04-18
2809 ThinLinc VSM Serv hean01 CLOS FIXE traceback on shadowing 2017-03-21
3331 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Add support for WTS font smoothing (ClearType) 2017-03-20
3614 ThinLinc Other hean01 CLOS FIXE Drop support for Solaris as server and client platform 2023-06-08
4311 ThinLinc Server I hean01 CLOS FIXE Support firewalld in tl-setup firewall module 2014-05-06
4502 ThinLinc Desktop hean01 CLOS FIXE Add a profile for Cinnamon 2014-04-15
4552 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Support for Windows Server 2012 2014-10-09
4554 ThinLinc Server I hean01 CLOS FIXE tl-setup fails to find LSB support on modern distributions (newer LSB?) 2014-04-16
4581 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE mouse cursor using rdesktop connection against 2012 / Win8 doesn't work as expected. 2014-10-09
4659 ThinLinc Desktop hean01 CLOS FIXE Add a profile for Gnome 3 Classic 2014-04-16
4702 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE SeamlessRDP broken on Windows 2012 (incomplete fix) 2014-10-08
4724 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE smart card support broken with windows 2012 2014-10-06
4814 ThinLinc Printing hean01 CLOS FIXE Interim solution for second thinlocal printer 2014-10-06
4912 ThinLinc | WTS To hean01 CLOS FIXE Support for Windows Server 2012 R2 2015-01-22
4964 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE rdesktop fails to connect against Windows 2012 using CredSSP 2014-10-06
4987 ThinLinc Misc hean01 CLOS FIXE tl-select-profile may show different translations for GTK widgets and hiveconf-sourced text 2014-04-16
5016 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Ship US International keymap with rdesktop 2014-10-06
5126 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Non-ASCII usernames/passwords fails with rdesktop+CredSSP 2014-10-08
5151 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE resizing seamlessrdp session can cause extra program invocation 2014-10-08
5176 ThinLinc Printing hean01 CLOS FIXE raw prints on windows leaves stray files 2014-10-06
5183 ThinLinc | WTS To hean01 CLOS FIXE Resizing the ThinLinc client window while a SeamlessRDP application is running sometimes causes the rdesktop window to remain visible. 2014-10-09
5197 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE seamlessrdp sessions no longer terminate with programs 2014-10-08
5200 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE the windows key is not working anymore. 2014-10-09
5209 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE rdesktop connection fails with "disconnect: Invalid licensing message." 2014-10-09
5222 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE RDPDR channel sometimes stops working when a smart card is inserted / removed on Windows 2012 R2 server 2014-10-07
5290 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Resizing to make the the rdp session larger doesn't work on windows 2012 and later 2017-10-02
5319 ThinLinc Other hean01 CLOS FIXE update URLs 2016-12-05
5337 ThinLinc Client hean01 CLOS FIXE Set _NET_WM_PID property on X11 window 2015-04-23
5361 ThinLinc VSM Serv hean01 CLOS FIXE Add use of new comment field in license 2015-04-01
5404 ThinLinc Server I hean01 CLOS FIXE tl-setup fails to detect system type for SLE12 2015-05-07
5659 ThinLinc Client hean01 CLOS FIXE Add support for global configuration file on Mac OS X 2016-12-05
5696 ThinLinc Server O hean01 CLOS FIXE Terminating a unity session on ubuntu 15.10 times out. 2016-12-05
5744 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Remove rdp2vnc and uiports from the rdesktop project 2017-12-18
5804 ThinLinc Build sy hean01 CLOS FIXE incorrect PKG_CONFIG_PATH set for cenbuild 2016-04-01
5812 ThinLinc Build sy hean01 CLOS FIXE upgrade libjpeg-turbo to get SIMD accelerated huffman encoder/decoder 2017-03-20
6142 ThinLinc VSM Agen hean01 CLOS FIXE inefficient call of ps/netstat in verify_sessions handler 2017-05-19
6167 ThinLinc VSM Agen hean01 CLOS FIXE "number of users" value in load status is off by two 2017-03-20
6173 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Sometimes the mouse cursor disappears 2017-12-29
7075 ThinLinc Server I hean01 CLOS FIXE Upgrading ThinLinc takes too long on SELinux step in tl-setup 2017-11-07
7094 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Dynamic session resize for tl-run-rdesktop 2018-03-29
7095 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Enable wallpaper by default in Windows integration 2017-12-19
7096 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS FIXE Scaling support for rdesktop 2017-12-19
7178 ThinLinc Server O hean01 CLOS FIXE SSHD reports dispatch_protocol_error in /var/log/secure upon connection with ThinLinc client 2019-02-14
7238 ThinLinc Client hean01 CLOS FIXE client uses dated aqua look on macOS 2018-09-25
7163 ThinLinc Server I linma CLOS FIXE Old ThinLinc services are running after package upgrade 2022-04-27
7559 ThinLinc Web Acce linma CLOS FIXE AltGr+<key> slightly broken in Firefox on Windows 2021-11-22
7608 ThinLinc Build sy linma CLOS FIXE RPM v3 packages are deprecated 2021-10-11
7678 ThinLinc VSM Serv linma CLOS FIXE Broken behaviour for ss - limited to updating only one session status at a time 2021-04-13
7723 ThinLinc Misc linma CLOS FIXE Diffie-Hellman parameters should come from RFC7919 2021-09-14
7774 ThinLinc Client p linma CLOS FIXE Remove eLux RP 5 support in ThinLinc client 2021-10-25
7778 ThinLinc Build sy linma CLOS FIXE Upgrade TigerVNC dependencies 2021-11-10
7795 ThinLinc VNC linma CLOS FIXE Fullscreen from all to one monitor broken on macOS 2021-11-23
7847 ThinLinc VSM Agen linma CLOS FIXE vsmagent will crash on session creation if sshd_config is latin1 and contains unicode 2022-07-07
8121 ThinLinc Web Admi linma CLOS FIXE tlwebadm table contents can overflow available space 2023-05-04
8157 ThinLinc Build sy linma CLOS FIXE Upgrade OpenSSL 2023-05-26
8158 ThinLinc Build sy linma CLOS FIXE Upgrade libtasn1 2023-05-26
8232 ThinLinc Other linma CLOS FIXE vsm extproc handling relies on deprecated asyncore 2023-12-29
8128 ThinLinc Document madni CLOS FIXE Web Admin's Load and License pages lack documentation 2024-11-08
8192 ThinLinc Other madni CLOS FIXE Cookies will have different "SameSite" setting depending on the browser 2024-10-10
3990 ThinLinc VNC nikle CLOS FIXE Support emulation of 3 mouse buttons 2020-06-25
5325 ThinLinc Client nikle CLOS FIXE Remove tlcontrol 2021-12-29
7386 ThinLinc Web Acce nikle CLOS FIXE difficult to use Windows key in Web Access on mobile device 2019-10-24
7676 ThinLinc Document nikle CLOS FIXE It's easy to miss that subcluster association limits session startup in the documentation 2021-04-14
7687 ThinLinc VSM Agen nikle CLOS FIXE Test: Restricted shell 2021-08-17
400 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE VNC numlock and capslock sync 2022-08-30
1131 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Document security-related best practice for running large ThinLinc clusters. 2017-03-20
3572 ThinLinc Smart ca ossman CLOS FIXE tlclient does not recognize hotplugged smart card readers 2019-03-04
3881 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Some commonly used markup does not affect formatting in the HTML TAG 2021-10-28
4051 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Links (ulink) in admin guide PDF aren't clickable 2021-10-29
4521 ThinLinc Client p ossman CLOS FIXE Remove ThinLincClientVerifier applet 2022-05-02
4617 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Clean up command lines in documentation - use sudo everywhere 2021-10-29
4663 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Installer should verify that we have Python 2.X 2013-10-24
4885 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE Confusing package structure/separation in server 2023-08-16
5005 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE services aren't started via systemd 2014-04-24
5044 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE tlstunnel has an annoyingly long command line 2016-04-14
5045 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE tlstunnel shouldn't run as root 2016-04-14
5077 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE set display manager environment variables 2014-05-07
5095 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE missing sections in server configuration parameters chapter 2021-10-29
5100 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE merge gnome profiles 2014-05-06
5104 ThinLinc VSM Agen ossman CLOS FIXE set PAM_XDISPLAY 2014-05-05
5119 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Upgrade OpenSSH to latest version (>=6.6) 2014-10-06
5129 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE rpm2debpkg mishandles versions in Requires: 2014-10-14
5132 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Ubuntu Software Center cannot install the client 2014-10-14
5202 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE package installer doesn't work with dnf 2019-07-11
5241 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE upgrade Xorg 2023-08-30
5289 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Inconsistent use of option and argument in "Commands on the ThinLinc Server" chapter 2021-11-02
5405 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE SLE 12 is missing LSB support 2015-05-11
5406 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Internal Xorg headers aren't C++ compatible 2015-04-10
5420 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Remove all uses of sys.exit(1) in tl-setup and related modules 2015-09-25
5444 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Send client build number to the server 2015-03-30
5463 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE libgmp very slow on solaris 2015-04-10
5484 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE vncviewer F8 About dialog is displayed incorrectly 2015-04-30
5492 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE crash in Xvnc analyseRect() 2017-01-04
5501 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Xvnc isn't reusing ports properly 2015-04-30
5537 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Upgrade GnuTLS to latest version 2016-12-05
5539 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Upgrade OpenSSH to latest version 2015-09-25
5554 ThinLinc VSM Agen ossman CLOS FIXE vsmagent and vsmserver doesn't restart after logrotate on SLES 12 2015-05-27
5555 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE logrotate doesn't work for tlwebadm and webaccess 2015-05-27
5556 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE traceback in vsmserver when stressing Web Access 2023-11-03
5589 ThinLinc Sound ossman CLOS FIXE upgrade PulseAudio 2024-10-10
5612 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE leftover VDI documentation about Novell 2015-09-25
5742 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Graphical installer does not work out of the box on Fedora 23 or Ubuntu 15.10 2022-06-13
5745 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE raise glibc requirements 2018-06-14
5748 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE upgrade pixman to get new performance enhancements 2016-04-12
5798 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE tlwebaccess doesn't respect log settings 2016-04-12
5805 ThinLinc Smart ca ossman CLOS FIXE certificate routines do not encode distinguished name correctly 2017-03-24
5950 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE many applications fail to start with new systemd (common dbus) 2018-10-15
5980 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE tl-setup's lsb step installs more than necessary 2021-08-24
5985 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE tl-setup calls checks/init functions in different orders in GUI and text mode 2021-08-24
6049 ThinLinc Desktop ossman CLOS FIXE Gnome screensaver crash on login in Unity 2016-10-13
6108 ThinLinc Sound ossman CLOS FIXE Remove Esound support 2019-02-14
6116 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE ThinLinc uses old version of FLTK 2020-01-21
6136 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE errors in xmlrpc error handlers are silently ignored 2017-03-20
6137 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE fragile API for VSMXMLRPCCall 2017-03-20
6152 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE Web Access keyboard code is needlessly complex 2019-11-11
6160 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE web access stops updating until you move the mouse 2017-05-15
6190 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE some session types doesn't start in ThinLinc on Ubuntu 17.04, 17.10 and 18.04 2018-10-15
6192 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Installer/setup hangs without any window with restricted X server (e.g. Xwayland) 2019-07-09
6964 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE Citrix integration scripts no longer relevant 2017-05-15
7047 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Bad rubberband effect when dragging windows on macOS 2017-10-17
7054 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Client support for Windows 2016 2017-10-12
7089 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE too large XML-RPC messages hangs Windows client 2020-08-31
7097 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE vsmserver uses 100% CPU (broken control pipe) 2019-02-13
7161 ThinLinc VSM Agen ossman CLOS FIXE Can not reconnect to old session upon upgrade RHEL7 2022-04-22
7162 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE cannot build cenbuild packages on Fedora 27+ 2018-05-23
7180 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE our documentation claims to describe how to set up PAM 2018-05-21
7186 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE web access debug log is too verbose 2018-05-25
7203 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE PAM conversation takes very long when trying to login with a user that doesn't exist 2019-02-15
7225 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE OpenGL doesn't work on modern Fedora 2018-09-28
7252 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS DUPL automatic composited windows can fail to update 2018-09-27
7253 ThinLinc Smart ca ossman CLOS FIXE ThinLinc Client does not exit when smart card reader is disconnected 2019-03-04
7270 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE client isn't translated when connected on macOS 2021-11-22
7277 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE ThinLinc server unusable on Fedora 29 with SELinux 2019-02-15
7279 ThinLinc | rdeskt ossman CLOS FIXE remove rdesktop (and associated tools) 2022-12-23
7309 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE incorrect progress bar on upgrade on deb systems 2019-02-15
7331 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE Ports can't be automatically unbound on systems with new versions of iproute (RHEL8) 2019-11-07
7332 ThinLinc Smart ca ossman CLOS FIXE incorrect use of g_cond_wait() in pcsctun 2019-06-07
7337 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE SLE 15 system type not detected by installer 2019-07-02
7338 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE sshd firewall configuration fails on SLE 15 2019-08-06
7339 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE service installation fails on SLE 15 2019-08-19
7343 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Impossible to start server installer from GUI with some GNOME versions 2019-07-02
7348 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE SLE 15 lacks pygtk and python-ldap in standard repositories 2019-07-11
7350 ThinLinc VSM Agen ossman CLOS FIXE default xserver_args has misleading -nolisten tcp 2019-05-17
7353 ThinLinc VSM Agen ossman CLOS FIXE tl-xinit refuses to work on NFS with Kerberos 2019-07-05
7366 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE NodeJS is needed to build and test noVNC 2019-11-12
7438 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE XML/SGML catalogs not properly updated 2019-11-22
7442 ThinLinc Sound ossman CLOS FIXE Microphone not working on USB headset 2019-11-26
7445 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman CLOS FIXE locations page takes a long time to load on RHEL 8 2019-12-05
7460 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Thinstation documentation very out of date 2022-07-26
7499 ThinLinc Smart ca ossman CLOS FIXE Crash when calling SCardStatus() with NULL parameters 2020-06-02
7558 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE pyobfuscate doesn't work with Python 3 2023-09-14
7718 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE tl-setup fails to detect nfs support on modern distributions 2021-06-03
7755 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Our GnuTLS is out of date 2021-09-10
7781 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Pango markup link is dead 2021-10-28
7784 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE PDF name is very generic 2021-10-28
7789 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE perl is broken in cenbuild 2021-11-09
7870 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE Translations aren't grouped with related strings 2022-03-30
7918 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Client should follow new visual profile 2023-08-21
7961 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Upgrade OpenSSH 2023-05-25
7990 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Missing text in ThinLinc Administrator Guide 2023-07-14
8026 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Blurry TAG SVG images in the HTML version 2023-07-17
8177 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE No favicon specified for documentation 2023-07-11
8224 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE vsm xml-rpc handling relies on deprecated asyncore 2024-02-05
8291 ThinLinc Local dr ossman CLOS FIXE unfsd crashes on login 2024-01-22
5162 ThinLinc Server O samuel CLOS FIXE Canonical has broken Debian's install_initd 2014-10-06
5214 ThinLinc Misc samuel CLOS FIXE TLDC does not activate with the MATE desktop environment 2014-10-06
5506 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE epiphany always shows touch controls in Web Access (bad touch detection) 2023-05-17
5900 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE Can't hide details of items in tlwebadm after viewing them 2023-03-09
6010 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Elements like buttons in Web Access UI can be selected 2023-07-11
6041 ThinLinc Build sy samuel CLOS FIXE Upgrade openssh to latest version 2017-04-06
6132 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Web Access is out of sync with noVNC 2022-05-02
6161 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Graphical bugs in Safari on Mac OS 2018-03-08
6347 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Web Access graphical glitches in Chrome on Android 2017-10-23
7111 ThinLinc Other samuel CLOS FIXE Touch gestures for emulated input 2022-12-19
7195 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE Internal error when trying to delete new (not yet added) entries in Web Adm GUI 2023-03-09
7221 ThinLinc Server O samuel CLOS FIXE Ports can't be automatically unbound on systems with new versions of iproute 2018-08-28
7341 ThinLinc Desktop samuel CLOS FIXE LXDE isn't shown on SLE 15 2019-07-17
7347 ThinLinc Server O samuel CLOS FIXE considered legacy on SLE 15 2019-07-17
7362 ThinLinc Build sy samuel CLOS FIXE Upgrade GCC to latest 5.x 2024-06-10
7370 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE Upgrade OpenSSH 2019-12-05
7417 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE macOS modifier shuffle not done in Web Access 2019-11-06
7867 ThinLinc Other samuel CLOS FIXE commands should have tab completion (bash) 2024-07-12
8169 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE Remote resize active for shadowers (regression) 2023-07-26
7926 ThinLinc Other tobfa CLOS FIXE Profile chooser doesn't follow the GNOME design language 2022-10-12
8077 ThinLinc Web Admi tobfa CLOS FIXE Inconsistent load/session data presented on tlwebadm and tlctl 2023-05-02
8149 ThinLinc Web Admi tobfa CLOS FIXE tlwebadm TAG screenshots not reflecting new visual profile 2023-07-21
8161 ThinLinc Other tobfa CLOS FIXE Python cgi module is deprecated 2023-12-13
8180 ThinLinc Document tobfa CLOS FIXE Incorrect fonts in TAG 2023-07-13
8400 ThinLinc Other tobfa CLOS FIXE Security scanners complain about missing iframe headers 2024-10-11
289 ThinLinc VNC wilsj CLOS FIXE Remove error dialog after closing client 2021-11-25
1560 ThinLinc VNC wilsj CLOS FIXE client sometimes warns about broken pipe 2021-11-25
1655 ThinLinc Document wilsj CLOS FIXE Difficult to find information in our documentation 2024-10-01
3707 ThinLinc Other wilsj CLOS FIXE Command line administration tools corresponding to tlwebadm interface 2022-04-21
4448 ThinLinc Document wilsj CLOS FIXE Extend the "server sizing" section of the TAG to be more beginner-friendly 2024-10-01
7508 ThinLinc Other wilsj CLOS FIXE No PyGTK on Ubuntu 20.04 2022-06-14
7764 ThinLinc Client wilsj CLOS FIXE Upgrade OpenSSH and OpenSSL 2022-07-05
8321 ThinLinc Document wilsj CLOS FIXE The TAG installation chapters have questionable structure, content, and scope 2024-11-27
8405 ThinLinc Document wilsj CLOS FIXE Server sizing section is very out of date 2024-10-01
240 bugs found.


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