If we choose to recommend SLE12 we need to remove the installation of LSB frmo tl-setup.
Investigate whether a minimal installation of SLE12 has everything we need for ThinLinc - i.e. is there anything that we need that LSB used to bring in that isn't already installed on a minimal SLE12?
The SLE12 installer has groups of packages that it calls "Patterns". You can achieve varying levels of minimal installation using these: - Nothing checked - Minimal system - Base system Each step seems to include the previous one. It also has a disclaimer that "Minimal system" is unsupported unless you have an OEM agreement and that Base is the normal minimum you must install. Just to be sure though, we'll try to support even the most minimal of these three (nothing checked).
LSB 4.1 Core requires these libraries: - libc - libm - libpthread - libgcc_s - libdl - librt - libcrypt - libpam - libz - libncurses - libutil - libnspr4 - libnss3 - libssl3 All are present except for the NSS/NSPR ones (libnspr4, libnss3, libssl3).
LSB 4.1 Desktop requires: - libX11 - libSM - libICE - libXt - libXext - libXi - libXtst - libGL - libGLU - libpng12 - libjpeg - libfontconfig - libfreetype - libXft - libXrender - libcairo - libglib-2.0 - libgobject-2.0 - libgmodule-2.0 - libgthread-2.0 - libatk-1.0 - libpango-1.0 - libpangocairo-1.0 - libpangoxft-1.0 - libpangoft2-1.0 - libgdk_pixbuf-2.0 - libgdk-x11-2.0 - libgtk-x11-2.0 - libQtCore - libQtGui - libQtXml - libQtOpenGL - libQtSql - libQtSvg - libQtNetwork - libqt-mt - libxml2 - libasound These are not present: - libXi - libXtst - libGL - libGLU - libpng12 (libpng16 instead) - libjpeg - libfontconfig - libXft - libXrender - libcairo - libgthread-2.0 - libatk-1.0 - libpango-1.0 - libpangocairo-1.0 - libpangoxft-1.0 - libpangoft2-1.0 - libgdk_pixbuf-2.0 - libgdk-x11-2.0 - libgtk-x11-2.0 - libQtCore - libQtGui - libQtXml - libQtOpenGL - libQtSql - libQtSvg - libQtNetwork - libqt-mt - libasound Noteworthy is that most of glib2 is installed, just not libgthread.
Note that I have not checked that the above libraries provide the proper symbols, only if they exist or not.
The libraries that we currently use in the server are: - libc - libm - libpthread - libdl - librt - libcrypt - libpam - libz - libX11 - libresolv - libpcsclite - libglib-2.0 - libgthread-2.0 libresolv is not in LSB, but it is present so it's safe. libpcsclite is also not in LSB, but we provide our own so it is also safe. It is only a problem if LD_LIBRARY_PATH is modified, and in that case we have problems on other distributions as well. The problem is libgthread-2.0 which is used by pcsctun and it is missing on the minimal SLES12 install. It is however present if you choose the X11 "pattern", but "Base" is still insufficient.
Fixed in r30046. We will only look for and install libgthread on SLE 12+. Tested on SLES12 in bare bone installation, and on SLED11 to make sure there were no regressions.
Looks good. Verified that tl-setup works on both SLED 11 sp3 and SLES 12.