The correct place for system wide application specific data / configuration files are under "/Library/Application Support". The main problem here is that we cannot distribute files to this directory due to we do not use a installer system on Mac OS X which is another problem. However we should try reading a configuration file from this place to support reading a configuration file which applies system wide, just as Linux client reads /etc/opt/thinlinc/tlclient.conf... "If the resources apply to all users on the system, such as document templates, place them in /Library/Application Support. To get the path to this directory use the NSApplicationSupportDirectory search path key with the NSLocalDomainMask domain. If the resources are user-specific, such as workspace configuration files, place them in the current user’s ~/Library/Application Support directory. To get the path to this directory use the NSApplicationSupportDirectory search path key with the NSUserDomainMask domain." Reference:
We should also read ssh_known_hosts from this directory.
Verified that documentation looks good and that /Library/Application\ Support/ThinLinc\ Client/tlclient.conf is read when no ~/.thinlinc/tlclient.conf is present (Build 4904 on OS X 10.10).
I have verified that values in ~/.thinlinc/tlclient.conf overrides values in /Library/Application\ Support/ThinLinc\ Client/tlclient.conf. I have also verified that if ~/.thinlinc/tlclient.conf doesn't exist or is missing values for some settings, /Library/Application\ Support/ThinLinc\ Client/tlclient.conf is used instead. Working as intended. With regards to known_hosts, I have verified the following: * removing a host from ~/.thinlinc/known_hosts gives the "unknown host" warning in the client when connecting * adding the host to /Library/Application\ Support/ThinLinc\ Client/ssh_known_hosts causes the client to connecting without warning