Wed Feb 12 2025 11:20:19 CET
“The prob­lem with TCP jokes is that peo­ple keep retelling them slower until you get them.” - eigenrick,
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163 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
310 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Support for any USB device 2022-04-13
402 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Follow LSB/FHS policy for /opt (e.g. use /etc/opt) 2022-09-08
571 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- vsm* names are confusing and inconsistent 2024-08-07
1533 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Local devices can consume all bandwidth 2022-04-12
2041 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Submit major Open Source components to 2016-12-27
2076 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Support different server configuration for different users 2022-06-13
2126 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Hiveconf errors should not prevent loading other (correct) entries 2024-05-08
2208 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- should keep character set 2022-04-12
2429 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Support Citrix-like Server-to-Client Content Redirection 2025-01-07
2430 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Support Citrix-like Client-to-server Content Redirection 2025-01-07
2433 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Store configuration metadata in Hiveconf 2017-01-10
2462 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- homecreatefilter should probably restrict access and symlink as well 2017-01-10
2507 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Biometrical scanners such as fingerprint readers can't be used in a session 2020-11-26
2672 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Support IPv6 2023-12-15
2935 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Server graphics are duplicated in installation tree 2022-06-21
2959 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- ThinLinc server cannot be upgraded using normal system upgrade 2022-06-28
3070 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- some internal things are placed in /opt/thinlinc/bin (and sbin) 2024-06-17
3086 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- passwdaliases doesn't work with nscd and AppArmor on SLED 2022-07-12
3145 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- create a SELinux profile to properly lock down our services 2017-10-11
3161 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Support for reaching multiple machines using only one IP and port 2024-11-25
3166 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- hivetool -a flag not correctly documented in --help 2022-04-12
3418 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Support for Spacemouse 2022-04-13
3510 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Annoying to have to choose a profile every time 2025-01-07
3540 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- tl-ldap-certaliases should warn if same cert is used for multiple users 2017-05-23
3553 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Shadow notification/confirmation does not work for full screen apps such as tl-run-windesk 2017-11-06
3617 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- tl-config/hiveconf doesn't filter out \n 2017-05-30
4026 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Hiveconf crashes if no config files 2024-08-27
4142 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Consider adding ThinLinc to Ubuntu Software Center 2019-06-18
4152 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- hiveconf syntax error causes tracebacks 2023-09-04
4153 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- hiveconf chokes on BOM 2017-09-26
4317 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- tl-setup starts the lokkit firewall service even if it's stopped 2018-05-21
4712 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- kerberos ticket/tgt forwarding support 2023-10-20
4758 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Debian packaging fails lintian sanity tests 2018-12-11
4922 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Web Access and native client have different "session menu" (toolbar vs popup menu) 2018-03-20
4961 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Difficult to find ThinLinc log files among system files 2022-04-26
4997 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- tllogger object makes logging overly complex 2023-11-29
5102 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- difficult to support user names that aren't UTF-8 2022-11-15
5147 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- deal with restrictive umask 2014-05-20
5323 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Tunnel-related configuration in vsm.hconf should be internal 2020-10-13
5338 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- conflicting symbols between static libraries and system libraries 2016-05-31
5390 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Copies of the default GnuTLS priority string are all over the place 2021-06-09
5398 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Reduce the amount of gcc warnings while building ctc 2018-04-11
5483 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Log timestamps should have (at least) millisecond resolution 2023-05-02
5500 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Difficult to find details about error messages 2021-09-07
5534 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Confusingly similar /vsm/vsm_listen_port and /vsmserver/listen_port 2023-05-09
5543 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Inconsistent use of true/false, 1/0, yes/no for bool values in configuration files 2016-05-25
5561 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Mixed British and American English in the product 2024-10-04
5639 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- thinlinc logins do not update lastlog 2018-06-05
5666 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- bad traceback formatting in logs 2023-11-20
5679 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Mixing agent and master versions can silently break 2021-09-28
5750 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Difficult to find default values for configuration 2023-06-09
5802 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- passing hiveconf object around is annoying 2022-04-26
5918 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- our UI toolkit cannot handle overflowing text in widgets 2016-06-03
5948 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- ThinLinc doesn't respect system crypto policy 2022-07-08
5956 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- We should use the same NSIS version for Client customizer and the shipped ThinLinc client 2016-08-16
6003 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- tlwebadm and tlwebaccess doesn't support HTTP/1.1 2023-09-19
6020 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- tlwebadm and tlwebaccess doesn't support HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 2024-01-24
6081 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Exclude update-from-upstream scripts from open source tarballs 2016-11-01
6120 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Allow user to disconnect shadowers 2021-12-08
6122 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- tl-config can't delete any configuration 2020-10-22
6123 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- tl-config should be able to tell you where a configuration parameter is stored 2023-07-21
6182 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- ThinLinc Server support for ARM platforms 2025-02-05
6225 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- It's not clear which server and client versions are compatible with each other 2021-12-07
6987 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- GNOME (and other OpenGL) does not work when Nvidia drivers are installed 2022-02-23
6988 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- ThinLinc does not work correctly/have full functionality when installed to a nosuid mount 2017-06-20
7009 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- poor error handling for callers of create_user_socket 2020-04-22
7065 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- sessions don't work with SELinux user_u and staff_u contexts 2021-02-23
7072 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Intro message in profile chooser can't be configured to only be shown once 2017-10-31
7073 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- It is unclear how to hide or modify the intro message 2017-10-31
7076 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- User has no indication if they are shadowed 2021-12-23
7080 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- tlwebaccess/tlwebadm refuses to work with cert key in private dir 2022-05-11
7102 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Support additional input hardware 2022-10-04
7113 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- It should be possible to upgrade ThinLinc without downtime 2022-04-26
7251 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- Touch gestures to control client interface 2023-10-17
1015 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- There is no easy way to disable an agent without changing the configuration 2022-03-09
1237 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Admin isn't informed of bad hiveconf settings 2022-04-05
1478 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- difficult to gather logs for support 2022-04-26
1544 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Session startup cannot use the client language 2022-04-12
1702 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- tl-set-sso-password needs to be called explicitly 2022-04-12
2530 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Unreliable to disable included xstartup.d scripts 2022-09-28
3544 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Difficult to assign/limit profile to multiple users 2022-08-23
3862 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Generate TLS keys and certificates on target system 2021-06-09
4172 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Cumbersome to append values using tl-config 2022-10-12
5238 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- SELinux: "mcs_killall() has been deprecated, please remove mcs_constrained() instead" 2022-09-28
5376 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- config changes inconsistently take effect right away/after restart 2023-11-06
5759 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- changing agent_hostname breaks session info lookup 2021-10-05
5851 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Difficult to tell which config settings have been modified 2023-06-27
5869 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- HA setup shouldn't require a shared IP between masters 2023-06-27
7099 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Session list in ThinLinc Client does not help you identify what's running inside session 2022-09-29
7304 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- not easy to see resource usage from ThinLinc sessions 2022-03-29
7533 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- ThinLinc Server support for POWER 2020-08-25
7542 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Users cannot see local battery status 2020-08-25
7561 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- /run should be used instead of /var/run 2024-12-18
7576 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- "mesg: ttyname failed" shown in systemctl status on Ubuntu systems 2020-10-27
7605 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Kerberos TGTs aren't refreshed/recreated on reconnect 2022-10-12
7634 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Improper handling of TCP's bi-directional streams 2021-11-18
7635 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- systemd doesn't reliably detect service startup failures 2021-03-09
7637 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Users cannot verify client/server bundle authenticity 2021-12-16
7675 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- XML-RPC errors aren't reported to caller 2021-06-08
7690 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Fatal crashes aren't sent to syslog 2024-04-16
7711 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Difficult to update configuration on just a subcluster 2021-08-24
7770 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- tl-shadow-notify does not respect system encoding 2021-09-28
7807 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Cannot run update-to-upstream from any directory 2022-01-04
7829 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- openSUSE is putting configuration in /usr/etc (breaks PAM) 2022-02-08
7850 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Difficult to get current license usage 2023-06-09
7876 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- tlctl does not handle case-insensitive input 2022-04-05
7903 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Follow new visual profile 2023-07-11
7916 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Load information not shown when subcluster configuration is missing 2023-08-30
7931 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Duplication of gettext setup in python 2022-05-24
7963 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Removing parameters in sessionstart.hconf doesn't give defaults 2022-07-12
7964 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Services have to be manually restarted after crash 2023-10-27
7968 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- ThinLinc doesn't respect dark mode settings 2024-04-26
7979 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Windows client customizer installer too cramped for some languages 2023-07-21
7987 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Multiple concurrent mounted macOS ISOs corrupts installer background 2022-09-07
7999 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Vsmagent does not start if you configure syslog server 2022-10-25
8029 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Should not include default message to Python send_error() 2022-11-22
8040 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- No OpenGraph information for tlwebaccess and tlwebadm 2022-12-08
8043 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- FIDO/U2F/Security key authentication support 2024-12-16
8115 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Some desktop browsers show scrollbars that doesn't fit our graphical style 2023-03-17
8163 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Hand cursor for buttons et al. is inappropriate 2023-06-07
8185 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- It's easy to miss ligature setting for Space mono font in tlwebadm 2023-07-11
8200 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Russian screenshots have the wrong font 2023-09-07
8204 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- tl-startup-bg is very slow with high resolutions 2023-08-29
8220 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- New configuration added through Web Admin is easy to miss 2023-09-05
8235 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Services do not daemonize in a correct manner 2023-10-03
8240 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Files and subprocess use wrong encoding in future Python 2023-10-24
8251 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Cannot use FIDO/U2F/security keys in applications 2024-11-28
8252 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Report statistics/telemetry back to Cendio 2023-11-14
8255 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- vsmserver/vsmagent XML-RPC handlers don't handle cancelled requests 2023-11-14
8256 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Using asyncio's StreamReaderProtocol is risky 2023-11-28
8257 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- ResourceWarning messages aren't properly logged 2023-12-05
8258 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Python stdlib logging bypasses ThinLinc logging settings 2024-03-19
8264 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Font cache startup delay on newer distributions 2024-11-22
8268 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Timeouts in vsmserver and vsmagent if DNS is slow 2023-12-12
8274 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- ResourceWarning if stopping vsmserver/vsmagent with active client 2024-01-02
8276 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- ThinLinc doesn't find pip installed modules on RHEL/Fedora 2024-01-02
8278 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Our asyncio subprocess module behaves differently from Python's 2024-01-02
8293 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- System font cache is never used on SLES 15 2024-01-30
8332 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- SHA-1 is deprecated and might stop working 2024-04-09
8341 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- tl-sso-password is not documented well 2024-07-05
8344 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Some tab completions require root 2024-07-12
8348 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Our wrapper commands lack tab completion 2024-05-28
8351 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Misguiding tab completion for commands that don't accept arguments 2024-06-17
8353 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- commands should have tab completion in other common shells (not just bash) 2024-06-18
8392 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- ThinLinc server installs confusing shortcuts 2024-08-13
8396 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Traceback on bad POST content-type 2024-08-13
8398 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Attackers can spam logs via HTTP access logging 2024-08-13
8428 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- ThinLinc component names are inconsistent in how they are capitalized 2024-12-02
8440 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- ThinLinc client/server shouldn't be capitalized 2024-12-02
8447 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Inconsistent casing in log messages 2024-11-21
8457 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Terms like master and agent might be unnecessarily complex for new users 2024-11-26
8459 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Easy to configure incorrect agent hostname 2024-11-26
8460 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Difficult to know what to set agent hostname to 2024-11-26
8469 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- ThinLinc systemd services and timers are unconditionally installed 2024-12-03
8471 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Inconsistent linking to external support among tl-setup pages 2024-12-11
8503 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Upgrade TigerVNC dependencies 2025-02-04
5452 ThinLinc Other hean01 NEW --- overly complex custom log system (use syslog instead?) 2024-08-13
2068 ThinLinc Other ossman NEW --- Webcam support 2024-11-14
2534 ThinLinc Other ossman NEW --- hiveconf does not support space in string lists 2024-02-29
1579 ThinLinc Other astrand ASSI --- /vsmagent/make_homedir cannot copy /etc/skel 2024-01-29
1936 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa ASSI --- setuid/setgid/setcap programs do not work with local devices 2024-10-01
2072 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa REOP --- Missing --help for some command line tools 2024-12-11
5141 ThinLinc Other ossman REOP --- recommending thinlinc-login for preventing shell access is confusing 2016-09-06
163 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Other" component of the "ThinLinc" product