Currently, we have icons and images in many locations below /opt/thinlinc: /opt/thinlinc/share/browser_client/tlclientlogo.png /opt/thinlinc/share/tl-select-profile/gnome-ss.png /opt/thinlinc/share/tladm/images/tldesktops.png .. As we are introducing more and more graphics, this might mean that we need to create many separate structures (/opt/thinlinc/share/tl-passwd/images, /opt/thinlinc/share/tl-run-rdesktop/images, ...). Besides many directories, this can also mean that we need to ship the same icon in multiple locations. For icon sets such as Tango, we should probably use separate directories (/opt/thinlinc/share/tladm/images/tango/...) for licensing reasons. But this means that the number of image directories might double. Another problem might be that "the lazy developer" will avoid using images since every time an application should start using images, there would be a "startup cost" for changing the build system etc to introduce a /opt/thinlinc/share/<appplication> structure. One alternative approach would be to have a centralized ThinLinc icon directory tree, say, /opt/thinlinc/share/images. Images we have created ourselves could go directory into this directory; Tango icons into a "tango" subdir. TL applications could directory usage icons from this location. For tladm, a symlink could be used to bring these icons into the Webmin exported name space. Tango could be imported on a vendor branch and shipped either as-is, or stripped down, with only the icons we are using. One open question is whether we should keep the original Tango filenames and/or directory structure. I'm in favour of at least using the original filenames.