We are currently very inconsistent in if a change to ThinLinc configuration takes effect right away, or after some service has been restarted. E.g. profile changes to the profiles show up right away, but changing the agent's hostname requires a restart of vsmagent. This is a result of which programs read those settings and how those programs are started, rather than an explicit plan. From the administrator's point of view it is mostly random. We should decide on a single principle and make sure everything follows it.
Another example of a very confusing part is shadowing.hconf. It contains these two parameters: * shadowing_mode * allowed_shadowers Changing shadowing_mode does not require a service restart, it will instantly take effect for newly started sessions. However, changing allowed_shadowers does require a restart of the vsmserver service. These two parameters are in the same configuration file which adds to the confusion. The TAG does mention that allowed_shadowers does require a restart: > The configuration parameter /shadowing/allowed_shadowers from the /opt/thinlinc/etc/conf.d/shadowing.hconf file is read by the vsmserver service on startup. > After the configuration variable has been set, the vsmserver service needs to be restarted before the change is made active.