Sat Jul 27 2024 01:55:15 CEST
"I have been, and always will be, a programmer: even when designing, Emacs is my canvas, and I expect C-x C-c to be engraved on my tombstone." - René Hollan
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96 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
3964 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman NEW --- Add TAG information to tlwebadm 2023-05-16
5371 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel NEW --- Admin cannot disconnect sessions via tlwebadm 2020-10-20
3887 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman NEW --- allow renaming locations and terminals 2023-03-09
8352 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Backtrace in tlwebadm.log with misconfigured /tlwebadm/password 2024-05-28
8123 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Cannot add printer if location name is empty 2023-04-19
4585 ThinLinc Web Admi aaron NEW --- Cannot logout of tlwebadm 2022-11-22
1621 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Cannot start/stop services across cluster 2022-04-12
8109 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Changing profile order can overwrite other changes 2023-03-07
3853 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- confusing code directory structure for Web Admin 2023-03-09
8137 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Confusing presentation of empty tables in tlwebadm 2023-04-18
3912 ThinLinc Web Admi morgan NEW --- Consider using file selection dialogues where appropriate in tlwebadm 2013-08-26
1619 ThinLinc Web Admi astrand NEW --- Create GUI for editing xstartup.d/xlogout.d 2013-08-22
8133 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Cumbersome to add multiple translations for profiles in tlwebadm 2023-05-03
8081 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Cumbersome to edit large subcluster configuration 2023-03-07
8105 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Deleting a profile, also hides the following profile from the list 2024-02-23
830 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- difficult to find all session log data 2023-07-11
5856 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- difficult to find sessions in tlwebadm's session list 2023-09-12
8086 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Easy to miss that you need to save changes in Web Admin 2023-03-30
8100 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Error handling on some pages hides all content 2023-04-18
8079 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Errors from rrdtool are not handled correctly 2023-02-21
8129 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Expected behaviour for radio buttons without text label is unclear 2023-04-04
8153 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Fancy placeholder textareas can't be resized horizontally 2023-05-23
3850 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman NEW --- Fonts in licence graphs have aliasing (bitmap fonts) 2022-09-07
4081 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman NEW --- gnutls tries to load system configuration 2022-09-13
8147 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Important content in our tables can be hidden due to being too long 2023-05-09
2511 ThinLinc Web Admi astrand NEW --- In sessions list, map MAC addresses to terminal names 2022-05-11
8117 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Inconsistent tagging of required fields in Web Admin 2023-03-23
8089 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Inconsistent title capitalization in Web Admin 2023-03-29
8135 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Inconsistent usage of normal messages when actions are taken in tlwebadm 2023-04-11
8140 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Incorrect font size on mobile devices 2023-04-18
5943 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel NEW --- It is easy to miss and hard to discover which username to use for authentication 2016-06-28
8004 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Licence graph is sometimes translated 2022-10-25
8164 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- License files can't be managed from Web Admin 2023-06-07
8275 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- License graphs don't always start at 0 2024-01-02
6985 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel NEW --- License graphs in tlwebadm aren't updated when the license count is updated 2023-06-09
5703 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel NEW --- Location names containing '/' aren't handled well by tlwebadm 2023-05-30
2854 ThinLinc Web Admi astrand NEW --- Location/Printer managers fail if a name contains a " character 2017-03-28
3965 ThinLinc Web Admi morgan NEW --- Make it possible to add new licenses via tlwebadm 2013-08-26
3961 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman NEW --- Make the startup color/background configurable from tlwebadm 2016-11-17
8074 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Menu lines do not fit into the web admin menu 2023-01-24
8142 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Multiple unique elements allowed in tlwebadm single select lists 2023-04-25
8084 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Names used for new items can cause unexpected overwrites in Web Admin 2023-04-05
8108 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- No check for validity of user input in VSM/Subclusters 2023-03-23
8228 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- No handling for multipart POST requests 2023-09-19
8229 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- No handling for Transfer-Encoding in POST requests 2023-09-19
8021 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- No icon shown on Safari and Epiphany 2022-12-28
7256 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel NEW --- No Web Access config can be modified using tlwebadm 2018-10-16
83 ThinLinc Web Admi astrand NEW --- not all settings can be changed from tlwebadm 2018-11-06
5008 ThinLinc Web Admi aaron NEW --- Not clear that tlwebadm changes require a restart of services 2023-01-17
8082 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Not possible to add groups as shadowers in Web Admin 2023-02-07
280 ThinLinc Web Admi astrand NEW --- Not possible to configure load balancing in tlwebadm 2022-03-29
3903 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman NEW --- Popups for new items in Web Admin has a confusing Delete button 2023-10-02
4149 ThinLinc Web Admi morgan NEW --- Properly log tracebacks in tlwebadm 2020-04-07
8148 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Radio buttons, checkboxes and toggle switches don't always align with their label 2023-05-09
3157 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman NEW --- Removing a printer doesn't remove all references to printer in locations and terminals 2022-07-12
3870 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman NEW --- removing printers in tladm "Locations" uses checkboxes instead of buttons 2023-03-27
3889 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman NEW --- renaming generally broken in tladm 2023-03-09
5123 ThinLinc Web Admi aaron NEW --- Saving profile with description with line breaks in Web Admin Gui corrupts profiles.hconf 2023-09-07
1472 ThinLinc Web Admi astrand NEW --- Send messages to ThinLinc users from tlwebadm 2012-12-04
5198 ThinLinc Web Admi aaron NEW --- session information will hang if agent is down 2022-03-10
7740 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- sha512crypt is no longer a good password hash/PBKDF 2023-08-29
6013 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel NEW --- Shadow user takes you away from tlwebadm but never correctly redirect you back 2023-07-11
688 ThinLinc Web Admi astrand NEW --- show "nearest" location in session information 2022-06-15
4927 ThinLinc Web Admi aaron NEW --- Show more detailed information about available licenses 2018-02-08
8118 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Some fields can reset when interacting with complex select elements 2023-05-16
8277 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- SyntaxWarning errors in log when starting tlwebadm/tlwebaccess 2024-06-14
8134 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Tables behind pop-ups get temporary rows while creating new entries 2023-04-19
8236 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Tedious to delete objects in Web Admin 2023-10-03
8225 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Tedious to terminate multiple sessions from Web Admin 2023-10-02
8098 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Terminating missing session hangs 2023-03-06
8103 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- The input is sometimes lost when getting errors on save 2023-04-19
8150 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- tlclient.cgi doesn't use new visual profile 2023-05-16
4632 ThinLinc Web Admi aaron NEW --- tlwebadm / tlwebaccess pages doesn't log anything 2015-04-07
5813 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel NEW --- tlwebadm assumes that tlclient.cgi is available at a known URL on the same server for shadowing 2023-07-11
4079 ThinLinc Web Admi morgan NEW --- tlwebadm crash should inform user that details are in the log 2020-03-17
8195 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- tlwebadm custom license diagrams are not robust 2023-08-08
8072 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- tlwebadm license graphs doesn't follow graphical profile 2023-07-18
8125 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- tlwebadm load warning thresholds makes little sense 2023-03-28
1622 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- tlwebadm only configures local machine 2022-04-14
8068 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- tlwebadm pages can briefly load without CSS 2023-03-03
5945 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel NEW --- tlwebadm requires a shared admin account 2021-07-05
8308 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- tlwebadm templates are read with wrong encoding 2024-02-13
4085 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman NEW --- Too easy to restart VSM with unsaved config changes 2022-07-07
8093 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Trying to save a profile with space in ID deactivates the profile 2024-03-07
3496 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa REOP --- Ugly error pages (e.g. 404) in tlwebadm/tlwebaccess 2022-12-30
8107 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Unclear what happens when showing details of removed item 2023-03-06
8088 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Unexpected behavior pressing ENTER in Web Admin 2023-03-09
8145 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Unreliable value for load last updated 2023-05-02
1618 ThinLinc Web Admi astrand NEW --- View ThinLinc logs via tladm 2013-08-22
4717 ThinLinc Web Admi aaron NEW --- VSM abbreviation in Web Administration is confusing 2023-02-10
8380 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Web Admin does not behave correctly on agents Mon 17:27
8119 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Web Admin page loses scroll position when a popup is closed 2023-03-21
8136 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Web Admin pop-ups don't fade out after "Save" or "Delete" 2023-05-02
5947 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel NEW --- Web Administration only allows one security level 2019-02-08
7149 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel NEW --- Web Administration should handle group names with spaces for allowed_groups 2018-04-18
8131 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- Zoomed license plots in tlwebadm are ugly 2023-07-18
96 bugs found.


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