Bug 8134 - Tables behind pop-ups get temporary rows while creating new entries
Summary: Tables behind pop-ups get temporary rows while creating new entries
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: ThinLinc
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web Administration (show other bugs)
Version: trunk
Hardware: Other Other
: P2 Normal
Target Milestone: LowPrio
Assignee: Bugzilla mail exporter
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Reported: 2023-04-05 12:25 CEST by Alexander Zeijlon
Modified: 2023-04-19 13:26 CEST (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Alexander Zeijlon cendio 2023-04-05 12:25:03 CEST
When adding new configuration entries in tlwebadm, an additional row can be seen in the table behind the pop-up while editing the new entry.

This makes for an inconsistent look, since we use tables to show entries that have already been persisted by the backend. The issue is present on most tlwebadm pages, where we click on table rows to open pop-ups.
Comment 1 Alexander Zeijlon cendio 2023-04-05 12:36:31 CEST
Additionally, the table in TLDC⇾Applications (manual) becomes empty while the pop-up is open when creating new entries. A similar behavior can be seen in 4.14 where only the create-new-dialog is present in the table even if there are other entries stored by the backend.

Note that this issue is not seen when editing already stored entries.

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