Wed Dec 4 2024 19:54:30 CET
Operator overloading and other features sure make C++ equally adaptable to any problem domain. This is achieved by making it the wrong tool for every job. - C++ FQA
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60 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
8254 ThinLinc Other adaha CLOS FIXE ThinLinc doesn't document and check for Python 3.4.4 2023-12-28
8280 ThinLinc Build sy adaha CLOS FIXE Our GnuTLS is out of date 2024-01-08
8062 ThinLinc Web Admi alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Web Admin input labels aren't clickable 2023-04-26
8101 ThinLinc Automati alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Too sparse information provided by compatibility auto test 2023-03-08
8102 ThinLinc Automati alexander.zeijlon CLOS FIXE Compatibility auto test filters errors incorrectly 2023-03-07
7702 ThinLinc Server I bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE installer requires Python 2 2021-06-29
7590 ThinLinc Server I linma CLOS FIXE dnf package installer doesn't respect system variables 2021-01-21
7976 ThinLinc Client p linma CLOS FIXE macOS "installer image" should follow new visual profile 2023-08-08
8011 ThinLinc Misc linma CLOS FIXE Timeouts can trigger when they no longer are relevant 2022-11-09
8071 ThinLinc Web Admi linma CLOS FIXE Remove unnecessary "Home" from sub menu in Web Admin 2023-01-18
8121 ThinLinc Web Admi linma CLOS FIXE tlwebadm table contents can overflow available space 2023-05-04
8122 ThinLinc Other linma CLOS FIXE Presented data in Web Admin is not sorted on locale 2023-04-24
8162 ThinLinc Other linma CLOS FIXE xdrlib module is deprecated 2023-12-13
7563 ThinLinc VNC nikle CLOS FIXE Clipboard broken when using an old client and using ISO 8859-1 2021-01-21
7567 ThinLinc Web Admi nikle CLOS FIXE HTML is not escaped correctly in template data (tlwebadm) 2020-10-20
7578 ThinLinc Web Acce nikle CLOS FIXE Web Access connections dropped on service restart 2022-04-25
7703 ThinLinc Misc nikle CLOS FIXE xstartup cannot be run in Python 3 2021-05-26
4243 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE vsm startup race: login fails if vsmagent is not ready when vsmserver starts 2021-01-21
4697 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE tlclient should log if the user decides to not accept a changed/new host key 2021-01-05
4716 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE tlclient handles updated ssh host keys differently with registry/file backends 2021-01-21
5032 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE Backtrace when getting malformed XML-RPC data 2023-10-03
5379 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE tl-collect-licensestats complains constantly if tl-setup isn't run 2021-06-29
5665 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE often incorrect log message in VSMXMLRPCCall exception handler 2023-12-05
6117 ThinLinc VSM Agen ossman CLOS FIXE tl-session prints some log lines incorrectly 2021-03-11
7006 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE full screen over multiple, but not all monitors 2022-08-23
7552 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE Web Access is still written in Python 2 2021-07-14
7618 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Host key handling on non-standard port broken 2021-01-08
7658 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE Traceback in log for excessive XML-RPC messages 2021-03-11
7708 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE tl-setup still calls "service" for apparmor 2021-05-20
7710 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Build system python lacks readline module 2021-05-20
7713 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Graphical installer/tl-setup does not respond to SIGINT when relaunched through sudo 2021-06-04
7714 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE tl-setup logs "Unknown transaction action 7" with DNF 2021-05-26
7730 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE SELinux installation requires Python 2 2021-06-29
7733 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE tlclient.cgi requires Python 2 2021-07-02
7736 ThinLinc TLDC (De ossman CLOS FIXE TLDC requires Python 2 2021-07-06
7785 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE We're out of sync with upstream TigerVNC 2022-01-24
7793 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE "Resize remote session"-option is not respected when connecting in full screen 2023-06-20
7906 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE Session startup should follow new visual profile 2023-08-08
7997 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE Web Access font size is small 2023-07-10
8057 ThinLinc Web Admi ossman CLOS FIXE tlwebadm is using incorrect font size 2023-07-10
8064 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Cannot build packages on Fedora 36 2024-07-23
4378 ThinLinc Server I samuel CLOS FIXE Installer should show [Run] if "Run tl-setup" checkbox is checked 2021-06-16
5930 ThinLinc Printing samuel CLOS FIXE Printer Access Control adds printers even if they don't exist in CUPS 2020-12-11
7007 ThinLinc VNC samuel CLOS FIXE new monitors aren't handled in full screen 2022-01-25
7557 ThinLinc Misc samuel CLOS FIXE hiveconf requires Python 2 2021-07-20
7573 ThinLinc Misc samuel CLOS FIXE remove tl-crossover-drives 2020-10-28
7574 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Documentation remains for removed scripts 2020-10-27
7581 ThinLinc Printing samuel CLOS FIXE tl-limit-printers times out on RHEL 8 2020-11-10
7619 ThinLinc VSM Serv samuel CLOS FIXE New sessions still possible on a removed agent 2021-01-19
7949 ThinLinc Misc samuel CLOS FIXE initial background doesn't follow session resize 2023-09-07
7952 ThinLinc Misc samuel CLOS FIXE Initial background doesn't follow monitor layout 2023-08-09
7989 ThinLinc Other samuel CLOS FIXE Unnecessary "hostname" text in webadm and webaccess 2022-09-26
8073 ThinLinc Web Admi tobfa CLOS FIXE too high displayed resolution of tlwebadm load data 2023-07-05
8077 ThinLinc Web Admi tobfa CLOS FIXE Inconsistent load/session data presented on tlwebadm and tlctl 2023-05-02
8095 ThinLinc Web Admi tobfa CLOS FIXE Impossible to add printer to new terminal with empty hardware address 2023-07-05
8110 ThinLinc TLDC (De tobfa CLOS FIXE Names consisting of only spaces makes URLs invisible 2023-04-11
7508 ThinLinc Other wilsj CLOS FIXE No PyGTK on Ubuntu 20.04 2022-06-14
7674 ThinLinc VSM Agen wilsj CLOS FIXE SSO assumes UTF-8 as the system character set 2021-04-14
7724 ThinLinc Server I wilsj CLOS FIXE We are out of sync with upstream rpmvercmp 2021-06-11
7777 ThinLinc Build sy wilsj CLOS FIXE Upgrade FLTK to latest release 2022-01-24
60 bugs found.


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