Sat Sep 21 2024 03:30:12 CEST
“The prob­lem with TCP jokes is that peo­ple keep retelling them slower until you get them.” - eigenrick,
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108 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
7891 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- "Resize window to session" option not relevant anymore 2022-04-19
3297 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Accelerated OpenGL in Xvnc 2024-08-19
7160 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Adding or removing a monitor in fullscreen on macOS results in black screen(s) 2022-01-04
3455 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- Automatic VNC compression level 2019-05-14
3770 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- Bad scrolling performance with modern applications 2022-09-07
1814 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- caching CODEC for VNC 2014-04-22
8270 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Cannot create session if agent's hostname is not resolvable 2024-08-13
8237 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Cannot create sessions larger than 16384×16384 2023-10-10
7782 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Cannot switch to application on other monitor on macOS 2022-02-09
7985 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Caps lock/Num lock synchronisation doesn't work 2022-08-31
7555 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Chat function when shadowing 2020-09-15
4514 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- Clarify that you are disconnecting when closing the client 2019-06-12
7324 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- client can stop updating if moved between monitors on Windows 2019-04-02
6961 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- client crashes with "Rect too big" error 2022-04-06
7880 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Client is disconnected if the cursor is too big 2022-04-12
7818 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Client obscures other focused windows in full screen on macOS 2022-12-14
4653 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Client sends wrong keysym for AltGr when non-first XKB layout group is active on the client 2022-04-26
5544 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Clipboard problems using LibreOffice within a ThinLinc session 2021-09-15
3187 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- Clipboard sync only supports plain text 2024-07-31
5864 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Clipboard transfers from server to client can not be limited 2020-03-05
7800 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- congestion control misbehaves with very large frame updates 2023-02-14
5550 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Corresponding keyrelease isn't always sent when triggering keyrepeat 2021-09-15
7258 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- cropped desktop name can result in garbled UTF-8 2018-10-16
4971 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Ctrl key out of sync on macOS clients 2023-08-21
3055 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- desktop environments resize session during startup (Randr) 2023-08-30
4975 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Difficult to release control of input from the client 09:48:55
7825 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Drag and drop doesn't work with ThinLinc 2024-07-02
7579 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Dual head full screen from maximized on Windows doesn't work 2022-04-26
5269 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Easily running out of keycodes when dynamically allocating Xvnc keysyms 2023-04-26
4432 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- edge scroll misbehaves when pointer leaves window 2018-01-09
5934 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- F14 and F15 do not work on macOS 2019-11-01
4253 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- F8 menu prevents shutdown of vncviewer 2021-11-30
7276 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- fake AltGr sequences not handled from Windows (virtual) touch keyboard 2020-02-04
5303 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- fix memory leaks in vncviewer 2018-03-19
4722 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Gnome (still) prevents session resize 2024-07-08
7806 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- GNOME overrides Xvnc's DPI setting 2021-12-14
4982 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- hardware accelerated encoding 2014-04-22
7887 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Idle disconnect/logout isn't inhibited by video playback 2022-04-12
5272 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Impossible to use non-Roman keyboard layout on macOS 2021-12-14
5106 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- improve VNC performance (latency, bandwidth, CPU usage, quality, ...) 2024-04-04
7013 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- incorrect mouse cursor on hidpi Windows machines 2024-05-30
5491 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- incorrect mouse pointer for okular 2015-04-14
7218 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Initial session size does not have multi monitor information 2023-08-22
8296 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Input can be blocked if client disconnects while shadowing 2024-01-30
7540 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Keyboard layout switching is unreliable 2021-06-30
5720 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- laggy session with well compressed updates and slow client 2021-10-05
7197 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- large clipboard transfers do not work well 2020-02-10
4594 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Legacy swrast removed in latest version of mesa in preference of llvmpipe 2024-06-07
4776 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Local screen saver when client is full screen causes problems 2022-04-11
8340 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- macOS dock and menu aren't available in full screen 2024-04-30
3899 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- macOS: Menu bar "status items" are sensitive even when in fullscreen mode 2018-05-02
5932 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- many broken dead keys on macOS 2021-12-13
7459 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Many mouse buttons do not work 2022-09-01
5230 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- media keys are not grabbed in full screen on windows 2016-06-10
5933 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- media keys do not work on macOS 2018-05-02
7014 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- mixed high and low DPI screens breaks in fullscreen on Windows 2024-07-03
5648 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- multi-threaded VNC rect encoding (Xvnc side) 2022-03-29
5258 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- multiple key presses can confuse server release table 2018-11-07
4660 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Option for grabbing keys ("send system keys") in non-fullscreen mode 2024-04-25
5415 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- performance issue on macOS 2024-05-20
3625 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- piglit/glean crashes Xvnc 2018-09-11
170 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa ASSI --- Possible to re-map keyboard shortcuts in client 2022-03-29
5935 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- PrintScreen always grabbed locally by Gnome 3 2016-06-14
7093 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Provide client performance measurements 2023-01-10
5414 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- quick reuse of display number can result in address already in use 2015-02-03
7255 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- re-enabling auto mode doesn't update actual settings 2021-11-17
4344 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- replace F8 menu with a toolbar 2024-05-16
7268 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- resizing session whilst maximized not well defined 2022-04-26
8356 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Ringing artefacts on macOS high dpi cursor 2024-06-04
38 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- running single applications works very poorly with many windows 2024-03-21
6005 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Screen sometimes gets garbled and then hangs after repeated browser window re-size 2016-09-27
5715 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- screen tearing on X11 2023-06-07
4560 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Send physical keys instead of symbols 2022-03-01
7885 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Session high DPI support 2024-08-13
7607 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Session/Desktop name broken on non-UTF-8 systems 2021-03-09
5228 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Shift+numpad sends extra shifts on Windows 2023-02-07
5931 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Some dead keys don't work on Windows 2023-07-04
8053 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Some users fail to adjust misplaced touch click 2024-01-25
7042 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Support for touch events in ThinLinc session 2021-06-30
7794 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Support relative mouse movements 2024-05-07
4748 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Support Wayland desktop environments 2024-08-13
5002 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- The Alt-key doesn't work in a Unity TL-window with the Alt-key used for the HUD 2022-04-26
7326 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- the keys {[]} on a Spanish keyboard do not work with FreeRDP 2021-12-09
4515 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- tl-single-app doesn't show application icon on client window 2022-11-08
4381 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- use macOS's native full screen mode 2024-04-25
4241 ThinLinc VNC ossman REOP --- User can incorrectly pin vncviewer on taskbar 2022-10-04
4956 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- visually indicate a stalled connection 2022-03-15
7071 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- VNC authentication failures aren't translated 2019-11-26
3523 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- VNC keyboard problems 2023-05-02
3893 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- VNC low colour dithering support 2020-02-04
7824 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- VNC server may disconnect when changing the system's monitor configuration 2022-01-25
4102 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- vncviewer build time string is not translated 2017-09-12
7799 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- vncviewer creates ~/.vnc on connect 2024-05-21
4139 ThinLinc VNC hean01 NEW --- vncviewer for android 2020-04-07
4775 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- vncviewer spams logs when screen saver is active on HP ThinPro 2014-09-22
4372 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- vncviewer starts on different virtual desktop than tlclient 2022-10-25
7487 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Wacom/Graphics tablet support 2021-06-30
5124 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Windows clipboard monitoring is unstable (new api is available) 2023-01-31
7175 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Windows keys don't work with KDE on client 2022-03-08
4383 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- X11 beep doesn't always work on Linux 2022-11-01
5995 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- X11 bell is sent even when sound is disabled 2016-09-20
7249 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- XFixesGetCursorImage returns empty cursor with first frame 2018-10-23
7361 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- XVideo media players don't work properly 2019-08-20
3789 ThinLinc VNC astrand NEW --- Xvnc doesn't detect failure to open listening socket 2022-09-08
8394 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Xvnc doesn't generate correct randr modelines 2024-08-13
5529 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Xvnc leaks memory when using indirect rendering 2021-09-07
7262 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Xvnc warnings "EQ overflowing" 2018-10-30
7982 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- § key doesn't work on some keyboards on macOS 2022-08-23
108 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "VNC" component of the "ThinLinc" product