Bug 3297 - Accelerated OpenGL in Xvnc
Summary: Accelerated OpenGL in Xvnc
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: ThinLinc
Classification: Unclassified
Component: VNC (show other bugs)
Version: pre-1.0
Hardware: PC All
: P2 Enhancement
Target Milestone: MediumPrio
Assignee: Bugzilla mail exporter
: 2905 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 8485
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Reported: 2009-10-27 10:01 CET by Pierre Ossman
Modified: 2025-01-31 10:10 CET (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Pierre Ossman cendio 2009-10-27 10:01:43 CET
In theory, it should be possible to get access to the hardware acceleration in Xvnc. The reason we're not today is probably because it is linked up inside the DDX display driver (which we of course do not have).

Considering the new Gallium3D design, we should have a look and see if we can get access to the accelerated libGL from Xvnc. It would remove the need for stuff like VirtualGL.

(See also bug 1116)
Comment 1 Peter Åstrand cendio 2009-10-27 10:44:00 CET
Note that this solution will most likely not work with proprietary drivers. 
Comment 2 Pierre Ossman cendio 2019-01-18 11:07:29 CET
*** Bug 2905 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Pierre Ossman cendio 2019-01-18 11:08:44 CET
A lot has happened in this space. The Linux DRM system is splitting off the display handling from the 3D rendering, which could make it easier for us to use just the 3D part. We also have VirGL which might be possible to integrate in our stuff.
Comment 4 Pierre Ossman cendio 2019-01-18 11:09:42 CET
Deploying VirtualGL as a GLVND library might also be interesting as it could avoid having to wrap everything with vglrun. DRC has seen some obstacles with this though:

Comment 7 Pierre Ossman cendio 2020-03-23 13:03:12 CET
We should probably have a look at Xvfb as well. Xvnc was originally forked from it, but it has since gotten a lot of updates, among them support for DRI3 and glamor (i.e. GPU acceleration).
Comment 9 Pierre Ossman cendio 2023-04-14 15:26:46 CEST
Kasm are also experimenting with 3D acceleration by enabling DRI3. I grabbed their changes and got them integrated in to standard TigerVNC here:


It seems to work for basic things like glxgears or glxspheres in a simple environment (e.g. Xfce). It fails when I start GNOME, though, where it fails to send the proper frame buffer data to the client.

But it seems like Kasm are working on that, though, as they are referring to some internal "gnome_blank" branch. Let's wait and see.
Comment 10 Pierre Ossman cendio 2023-04-26 15:34:49 CEST
Another data point is that xrdp seems to have gotten glamor running. Some details here:

Comment 11 Pierre Ossman cendio 2023-04-26 16:00:58 CEST
Neither the normal Xorg server nor Xwayland enable DRI3 directly. Instead, they get that support indirectly by enabling Glamor. That unfortunately means that they are poor reference implementations for us if we just want to enable DRI3.

Fortunately, there are others that are annoyed by this, so there are some other attempts to look at:



Comment 12 Pierre Ossman cendio 2023-05-02 09:41:05 CEST
Upstream request for this:

Comment 13 Pierre Ossman cendio 2024-01-11 16:55:34 CET
DRC also looked at Kasm's changes and doesn't seem too optimistic:

Comment 14 Pierre Ossman cendio 2024-08-08 16:57:05 CEST
This is now merged and released upstream:


It is also included in TurboVNC's development branch.
Comment 15 Pierre Ossman cendio 2024-08-16 14:24:26 CEST
Nvidia is a bit of an issue here. Initially, we only thought the problem was getting applications to pick the right driver:


Unfortunately, it seems like we're just getting the software renderer from Nvidia, even with that fixed.

The nouveau driver works better, but users might need/prefer the proprietary Nvidia driver.

I've opened a discussion with Nvidia here:


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