Sat Jul 27 2024 01:43:45 CEST
"Free publicity is worth every penny you pay for it" - Wietse Venema
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49 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
7699 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE Profile name from xsession file not shown 2021-05-03
6351 ThinLinc Server I samuel CLOS FIXE Bad colors in graphical installer and tlsetup in dark theme 2021-05-04
7691 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE Profile chooser requires Python 3 2021-05-04
7707 ThinLinc Other nikle CLOS FIXE tl-shadow-notify should have an action tag 2021-05-12
7709 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE SysV compatibility functions still around in libexec/functions 2021-05-19
7703 ThinLinc Misc nikle CLOS FIXE xstartup cannot be run in Python 3 2021-05-26
7725 ThinLinc Server I frifl CLOS FIXE Showing more than one removed package is broken with .deb format 2021-06-11
7330 ThinLinc Server O linma CLOS FIXE python-ldap for Python 2 missing on modern distributions 2021-07-14
2522 ThinLinc Other linma CLOS FIXE tl-config should warn when creating new parameters 2021-07-22
7744 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE tl-setup doesn't handle failed installed correctly in text mode 2021-08-09
4245 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE our python modules shouldn't replace the system ones 2021-08-10
7712 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Select and paste doesn't work in to session 2021-08-11
7687 ThinLinc VSM Agen nikle CLOS FIXE Test: Restricted shell 2021-08-17
7759 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE TLS certificate alert messages can be confusing 2021-09-09
5370 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE TLDC claims to support only KDE and GNOME 2021-10-26
7798 ThinLinc Client linma CLOS FIXE ThinLinc on Linux client will crash if tlclient.log is empty or has a malformed first line 2021-12-08
7792 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE We're out of sync with upstream noVNC 2021-12-17
6021 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE "no profiles" message in tl-select-profile is not translated 2022-01-13
7522 ThinLinc VNC linma CLOS FIXE The options dialog in the session is different from the initial options 2022-01-14
7479 ThinLinc Client frifl CLOS FIXE Client doesn't report network issues from SSH 2022-01-14
4062 ThinLinc Client frifl CLOS FIXE Client can't log in to SSH server with ChallengeResponseAutentication without UsePAM 2022-01-19
7007 ThinLinc VNC samuel CLOS FIXE new monitors aren't handled in full screen 2022-01-25
5042 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE rpm remove of thinlinc server installation doesn't cleanup correctly 2022-03-14
7868 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE tl-support is malplaced in bin/ 2022-03-21
7859 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE "toc" page shows up in searches 2022-03-21
4839 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE libexec/ commands are mentioned in the /opt/thinlinc/bin/ documentation 2022-03-23
7853 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Can't search for some words in documentation 2022-03-24
7790 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE bootstrap gcc has bad link directories 2022-04-01
7841 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE Cenbuild x86_64 gcc refuses to build inside docker container 2022-04-06
7878 ThinLinc Other linma CLOS FIXE Our systemd services close stderr too early when service is stopped 2022-04-07
7882 ThinLinc Document samuel CLOS FIXE Cluster configuration chapter doesn't mention webaccess/login_page 2022-04-08
7915 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE GTK dialogs no longer show an icon 2022-05-17
7541 ThinLinc Client p ossman CLOS FIXE macOS icon lacks higher resolutions 2022-05-18
7932 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE ImportWarning messages when using sudorelaunch 2022-05-24
5846 ThinLinc Smart ca ossman CLOS FIXE Upgrade pcsc-lite version in cenbuild 2022-06-13
7692 ThinLinc Misc frifl CLOS FIXE tl-setup requires Python 2 2022-06-14
7508 ThinLinc Other wilsj CLOS FIXE No PyGTK on Ubuntu 20.04 2022-06-14
7947 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE false positive on detecting PyGObject on Debian/Ubuntu 2022-06-21
7951 ThinLinc Server I ossman CLOS FIXE Poor wrapping of platform specific notes url 2022-06-28
7049 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE It should be easy for an administrator to discover how to use our command line tools 2022-07-01
7907 ThinLinc Other tobfa CLOS FIXE GTK dialog buttons have inconsistent style 2022-10-12
7911 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE icons don't follow current standard sizes 2022-12-09
1161 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Install userguide at server installation. 2023-02-28
7793 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE "Resize remote session"-option is not respected when connecting in full screen 2023-06-20
7917 ThinLinc Misc tobfa CLOS FIXE Profile chooser does not respect 'Quit' if only one profile 2023-07-05
7906 ThinLinc Misc ossman CLOS FIXE Session startup should follow new visual profile 2023-08-08
4885 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE Confusing package structure/separation in server 2023-08-16
7558 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE pyobfuscate doesn't work with Python 3 2023-09-14
7828 ThinLinc Client p samuel CLOS FIXE ThinLinc Client isn't available in the Microsoft Store 2024-07-12
49 bugs found.


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