Mon Sep 16 2024 14:05:21 CEST
"I have been, and always will be, a programmer: even when designing, Emacs is my canvas, and I expect C-x C-c to be engraved on my tombstone." - René Hollan
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10 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
5840 ThinLinc Client samuel CLOS FIXE stray : left in some translations 2016-04-15
7828 ThinLinc Client p samuel CLOS FIXE ThinLinc Client isn't available in the Microsoft Store 2024-07-12
5127 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE Translation inconsistencies 2022-01-12
5502 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE Translation of "Control Panel" does not fit in button for most languages 2015-10-16
5559 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE some translations don't fit in the UI 2015-10-16
6968 ThinLinc Client ossman CLOS FIXE "Terminate session" button text overflow 2017-12-05
7136 ThinLinc Client nikle CLOS FIXE Russian translation for column headers in session list overflows column width 2020-07-02
7457 ThinLinc VNC nikle CLOS FIXE Turkish translation problems for vncviewer configuration errors 2020-06-25
7521 ThinLinc Client nikle CLOS FIXE Translation problems for logging in Spanish, Italian and Russian 2020-07-02
7979 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Windows client customizer installer too cramped for some languages 2023-07-21
10 bugs found.


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