Wed Feb 12 2025 12:07:17 CET
"Can't have that here or something extra or missing before" - Genuine Error Report from TOPS-20 Hedrick PASCAL Compiler
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26 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
6182 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- ThinLinc Server support for ARM platforms 2025-02-05
2627 ThinLinc Sound bugzilla-qa NEW --- PulseAudio still uses %TEMP% Tue 13:36
4975 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Difficult to release control of input from the client Fri 14:06
8213 ThinLinc Client bugzilla-qa NEW --- Client hangs when confirming update dialog Tue 08:48
8337 ThinLinc Client bugzilla-qa NEW --- Switch client interface to Qt Mon 13:50
8481 ThinLinc Web Admi bugzilla-qa NEW --- tlwebadm complains when no swap is configured 2025-02-06
8507 ThinLinc Build sy bugzilla-qa NEW --- gcc address sanitizer libraries incorrectly linked Tue 13:13
8512 ThinLinc Client bugzilla-qa NEW --- Can't switch virtual desktop with input grab Tue 13:16
8513 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Session stops updating when resizing or moving Tue 13:18
8514 ThinLinc Web Acce bugzilla-qa NEW --- Allow toggling password visibility in Web Access Tue 16:40
8515 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Hung gray screen on full screen on KDE Tue 13:24
8516 ThinLinc Client bugzilla-qa NEW --- Smart card certificate selection is forgotten when swapping cards Tue 13:49
8517 ThinLinc Client bugzilla-qa NEW --- Hard to know what smart card issuer attributes to use Tue 13:47
8518 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa NEW --- Documentation does not render well on small screens 20:33:45
8485 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- We're out of sync with upstream TigerVNC 10:55:18
8508 ThinLinc Client adaha REOP --- Not possible to disable clipboard sync from the client Tue 15:37
8502 ThinLinc Build sy adaha RESO FIXE Upgrade FLTK Tue 15:31
8504 ThinLinc Other adaha RESO FIXE Upgrade Xorg-server Tue 15:31
8511 ThinLinc Client alexander.zeijlon RESO FIXE No way to select default smart card certificate Tue 13:49
7799 ThinLinc VNC ossman RESO FIXE vncviewer creates ~/.vnc on connect Fri 11:00
8199 ThinLinc Client ossman RESO FIXE Client in GNOME can't start in in full screen Mon 13:57
8510 ThinLinc Client samuel RESO FIXE Allow toggling password visibility in client Tue 13:49
7246 ThinLinc Client p linma CLOS FIXE Windows client --loop shortcut often confusing Mon 10:34
8509 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS FIXE Resize delay when toggling maximize or full screen Mon 17:10
8216 ThinLinc Client bugzilla-qa CLOS WORK Reconnecting to a large session immediately shrinks it Mon 15:43
7268 ThinLinc VNC ossman CLOS WORK resizing session whilst maximized not well defined Tue 09:27
26 bugs found.


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