When tab completing, only the following top-level folders are suggested: > $ tl-config / > /profiles/ /shadowing/ /vsmagent/ /webaccess/ > /sessionstart/ /vsm/ /vsmserver/ As seen below, there are some folders missing from our tab completion suggestions: > $ tl-config --all-entries / > printing/ > profiles/ > sessionstart/ > shadowing/ > utils/ > vsm/ > vsmagent/ > vsmserver/ > webaccess/ The folders “printing” and “utils” are missing.
When working on bug 8359 I found that the issue comes from incorrect assumptions that file names and hiveconf's folder-names always match. For example, see hivetool:252. The file which contains the “printing” folder is called “nearest.hconf”. While the “utils” folder is found in three different files. We should use `hive.get_folders("/")` instead of `hive.sources`.