Wed Feb 19 2025 13:12:12 CET
"The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time." --Tom Cargill of Bell Labs
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29 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
2445 ThinLinc TLDC (De astrand NEW --- Sysadmins want to be excluded from TLDC 2024-12-17
1424 ThinLinc TLDC (De astrand NEW --- Possibility to add "kicker" icons via TLDC 2013-08-22
2129 ThinLinc TLDC (De astrand NEW --- Make it possible to apply an application group to everyone 2013-08-22
2508 ThinLinc TLDC (De astrand NEW --- Allow copy of existing .desktop file for local customizations 2017-01-17
4129 ThinLinc TLDC (De bugzilla-qa NEW --- tlwebadm removes applications from groups which contains nonASCII 2020-04-07
7854 ThinLinc TLDC (De bugzilla-qa NEW --- TLDC and kde5 plasma does not work 2022-05-31
2063 ThinLinc TLDC (De bugzilla-qa NEW --- tl-desktop-activate crashes when username has changed 2024-12-11
7899 ThinLinc TLDC (De bugzilla-qa NEW --- Malformed .desktop file will cause TLDC to crash 2022-04-26
4948 ThinLinc TLDC (De bugzilla-qa NEW --- investigate SGD enhancements to the way profiles are assigned to users 2022-09-28
7856 ThinLinc TLDC (De bugzilla-qa NEW --- Incorrectly uses XDG_DATA_HOME for cfg_home leads to wrong placement of 2022-03-15
4161 ThinLinc TLDC (De bugzilla-qa NEW --- Hiveconf tree /utils/tl-desktop-customizer/menus is redundant 2022-09-28
5898 ThinLinc TLDC (De bugzilla-qa NEW --- Difficult to populate many menu folders in TLDC 2023-06-27
3884 ThinLinc TLDC (De derfian NEW --- unsupported desktop files translations are lost when editing desktop file through TLDC 2017-06-27
5767 ThinLinc TLDC (De derfian NEW --- TLDC doesn't work with Gnome 3 (Classic) 2022-02-28
4392 ThinLinc TLDC (De derfian NEW --- TLDC creates permanent, global configuration for user 2022-11-01
5899 ThinLinc TLDC (De derfian NEW --- TLDC can only replace, not extend, default system menu 2023-06-27
5832 ThinLinc TLDC (De derfian NEW --- There is no easy way to deactivate TLDC 2016-04-05
3841 ThinLinc TLDC (De derfian ASSI --- removing TLDC applications leaves broken/bogus application groups 2017-06-20
3273 ThinLinc TLDC (De derfian NEW --- Make it possible to use existing .directory definitions on system 2017-05-02
3868 ThinLinc TLDC (De derfian NEW --- handle applications with no name 2017-06-27
4162 ThinLinc TLDC (De derfian NEW --- difficult to separate applications in TLDC / Application Group with the same name 2019-06-18
5883 ThinLinc TLDC (De derfian NEW --- Desktop Customizer crashes without a configuration file 2016-05-17
5517 ThinLinc TLDC (De derfian NEW --- ~/.config/menus/ requires <Name>Applications</Name> instead of <Name>ThinLinc</Name> 2015-05-12
1200 ThinLinc TLDC (De morgan NEW --- not obvious how to to activate TLDC 2018-11-27
4202 ThinLinc TLDC (De ossman REOP --- TLDC does not work with GNOME Shell 2022-02-28
3927 ThinLinc TLDC (De ossman NEW --- TLDC crashes when fed poorly escaped/quoted command strings 2017-06-27
4764 ThinLinc TLDC (De ossman NEW --- Escaping of % and \ doesn't work correct in TLDC Web interface 2013-08-13
1780 ThinLinc TLDC (De ossman NEW --- Deleting a menu with submenus leaves stray .directory files 2013-08-22
3586 ThinLinc TLDC (De ossman NEW --- Creating application groups or menus containing "/" fails 2023-05-30
29 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "TLDC (Desktop Customizer)" component of the "ThinLinc" product