Bug 5362 - Users can't choose sub-cluster
Summary: Users can't choose sub-cluster
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: ThinLinc
Classification: Unclassified
Component: VSM Server (show other bugs)
Version: trunk
Hardware: PC All
: P2 Enhancement
Target Milestone: MediumPrio
Assignee: Henrik Andersson
Depends on: 7188
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Reported: 2014-11-20 00:37 CET by Peter Wirdemo
Modified: 2025-01-14 10:18 CET (History)
9 users (show)

See Also:
Acceptance Criteria:
* A user assigned only to one subcluster or default cluster should automatically connect without the choice of which subcluster he wants to create his session on. * A user assigned to more than one subcluster should be able to choose which of them to connect to. * If a default cluster is configured, a user without assigned subcluster should connect to it without the choice of other subclusters.


Description Peter Wirdemo 2014-11-20 00:37:07 CET
I would like that one redundant master can be used for several "sub clusters".

A sub cluster is some kind of grouping, maybe by operating system or by project or other things (member of a specific group maybe?).

This makes it easy to implement new services for the customer. An example can be when Ubuntu releases a new version, add a sub cluster to your master and point it to the new ubuntu server(s). No need to inform the users where the new master can be found. The next time the user starts a new session, the servers (sub cluster) are available from the menu.

Every sub cluste should behave like your current implementation, ie load balancing and other things.

The user selects which sub cluster he/she wants to connect to and you fix the rest. 

It could look like this.

  General Ubuntu 14.10
  General Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  General Slowlaris SPARC
  General Solaris intel
  General Windows desktop
  Project Silver Omega
  Projetc Essential Gamma

In each of these sub clusters there can be one or more servers running the Thinlinc Agent.

Other advantages: One place to manage the licenses.
Related bug: 1981
Comment 1 Peter Wirdemo 2016-11-01 22:28:04 CET
I think this is a great idea ;-)
Comment 4 Henrik Andersson cendio 2018-11-27 15:32:45 CET
Bug #7188 implements support for sub clusters, eg. grouping agents and assign users and groups to those groups. If a user is assigned to several groups, the first matching subcluster is used.
Comment 6 Henrik Andersson cendio 2018-11-27 15:56:31 CET

1. Present a list of assigned subcluster to the user upon connect that
   he can select among for connection (create / reconnect sesssion)

2. Fast select of cluster via servername eg. project1@tl.cendio.se
Comment 7 Henrik Andersson cendio 2018-11-28 15:25:38 CET
(In reply to comment #6)
> 2. Fast select of cluster via servername eg. project1@tl.cendio.se

The reasoning behind this future are that if a user have access to three sub clusters (A,B and C), and he is normally working with in cluster A. We can give them the option to normally connect to the specific sub cluster A without presenting a list of available clusters for selection / interaction, cutting down on "interaction" during connect for the normal case.
Comment 14 Henrik Andersson cendio 2018-11-30 08:46:19 CET
(In reply to comment #6)
> 1. Present a list of assigned subcluster to the user upon connect that
>    he can select among for connection (create / reconnect sesssion)

There are several ways to do this and the following two ideas are in my thoughts:

1. During communication with master, query list of subcluster and present
   a dialog for the user to select which subcluster he wants to connect to.

   The dialog could look like:

     [ Select subcluster                               X ]

       Name            Description
       Main Desktop    This is the subcluster for normal
                       desktop usage.
       Project NewBorn Subcluster for development server
                       of project newborn

                                   [ Cancel ] [ Select ]

   After the selection of a subcluster the normal connect policy will take
   affect against the select subcluster as we currently know.

2. Make selection of subcluster a part of connection policy for example.
   This way we could merge the session management and subcluster selection
   into one mechanism and dialog.


     If a user have a only access to one subcluster and there is no session,
     a new session will be created without needing interactions for the enduser.

     If a user have a only access to one subcluster and there is a session,
     reconnect to session without needing interactions for the enduser.

     If user have access to more than one subcluster where he have a session
     on one of them, show the "Select session" for user action. The dialog could
     look something like:

     Main Desktop
     This is the subcluster for normal desktop usage

       Id    Agent       Resolution     Created        Status        Command
        1    tlamain01     1280x1027    2018-11-30   Disconnected
        New Session...

     Project Newborn
     Subcluster for development server of project newborn

       Id    Agent       Resolution     Created        Status        Command
        New Session...

     [ End session ]                                 [ Cancel ] [ Connect ]
Comment 15 Samuel Mannehed cendio 2018-11-30 09:15:43 CET
(In reply to comment #14)
> 2. Make selection of subcluster a part of connection policy for example.
>    This way we could merge the session management and subcluster selection
>    into one mechanism and dialog.

In the future this could also be merged with the profile chooser perhaps.
Comment 18 Samuel Mannehed cendio 2020-01-28 16:20:22 CET
See bug 300 for doing the profile choice before starting the session

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