Mon Jul 1 2024 06:17:37 CEST
"Free publicity is worth every penny you pay for it" - Wietse Venema
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11 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
8242 ThinLinc Other adaha CLOS FIXE vsm port open check relies on deprecated asyncore 2023-12-13
7889 ThinLinc Other emilo CLOS FIXE not all tools use our option parser 2024-06-17
8097 ThinLinc Automati linma CLOS FIXE Using 'FROM centos:8' in containers is deprecated 2023-03-08
5556 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman CLOS FIXE traceback in vsmserver when stressing Web Access 2023-11-03
7098 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE invalid format/method of error log from vsm control pipe 2023-11-28
8210 ThinLinc Document ossman CLOS FIXE Wrong bugzilla URL in release notes 2023-08-30
8056 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE tlwebadm is using incorrect font 2023-07-04
8087 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE Web Admin's VSM sub-pages have confusing names 2023-03-21
8075 ThinLinc Web Admi tobfa CLOS FIXE Unnatural expanding UI when navigating lists in tlwebadm 2023-04-26
8106 ThinLinc TLDC (De tobfa CLOS FIXE Saving with empty application group name crashes Web Admin 2023-03-07
8328 ThinLinc VSM Serv tobfa CLOS FIXE vsmserver crashes on upcoming Python 3.13 2024-04-16
11 bugs found.


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