Tue Oct 22 2024 13:26:27 CEST
"Obviously I was either onto something, or on something." - Larry Wall on the creation of Perl
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15 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
8432 ThinLinc Build sy alexander.zeijlon RESO FIXE Can't upgrade meson to newer version in cenbuild Mon 13:15
8402 ThinLinc Build sy bugzilla-qa NEW --- Very old base packages in cenbuild Mon 16:18
8318 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa RESO FIXE Administrator's guide Google search hits give bad previews 12:22:22
8407 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa NEW --- TAG inconsistently uses VSM prefix Mon 16:45
6124 ThinLinc Document samuel NEW --- The "Users" column in Web Admin & tlctl load is confusing 12:43:00
8321 ThinLinc Document wilsj REOP --- The TAG installation chapters have questionable structure, content, and scope Mon 10:11
8434 ThinLinc Misc bugzilla-qa NEW --- Traceback when trying to add new parameter from tl-config without sudo Fri 16:30
5114 ThinLinc Other wilsj REOP --- Inconsistent title capitalization style Mon 12:36
8433 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- No high-resolution scrolling Fri 10:10
4535 ThinLinc VSM Serv astrand NEW --- Cannot reload service config without short downtime Mon 13:08
284 ThinLinc VSM Serv emeer ASSI --- Limit the number of concurrent users or sessions (per cluster, per agent) 12:15:43
5362 ThinLinc VSM Serv hean01 NEW --- Users can't choose sub-cluster Fri 11:26
8247 ThinLinc Web Acce bugzilla-qa NEW --- Single sign-on support in Web Access 12:45:21
5943 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE It is easy to miss and hard to discover which username to use for authentication Mon 10:23
8277 ThinLinc Web Admi emeer CLOS FIXE SyntaxWarning errors in log when starting tlwebadm/tlwebaccess Thu 17:05
15 bugs found.


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