Bug 8514 - Allow toggling password visibility in Web Access
Summary: Allow toggling password visibility in Web Access
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: ThinLinc
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web Access (show other bugs)
Version: trunk
Hardware: PC Unknown
: P2 Normal
Target Milestone: LowPrio
Assignee: Bugzilla mail exporter
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Reported: 2025-02-07 14:35 CET by Samuel Mannehed
Modified: 2025-02-11 16:40 CET (History)
0 users

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Screenshot of how Edge displays the show-toggle for passwords (7.92 KB, image/png)
2025-02-07 14:35 CET, Samuel Mannehed

Description Samuel Mannehed cendio 2025-02-07 14:35:14 CET
Created attachment 1261 [details]
Screenshot of how Edge displays the show-toggle for passwords

Entering a password can be inconvenient and prone to typing errors. To simplify the process, many apps introduce an eye icon that toggles password visibility. Some also add a checkbox below the password field, for showing the password.

This feature would be useful in Web Access. Note that it was already implemented for the native client in bug 8510.
Comment 1 Samuel Mannehed cendio 2025-02-07 14:36:49 CET
Note that Microsoft Edge has a built-in feature for this in all <input type="password"> fields. If we implement our own, we probably want to disable Edge's:

Comment 2 Samuel Mannehed cendio 2025-02-07 14:38:44 CET
This feature is commonly implemented using JavaScript. Simply changing the type of the element is easy and does the job:

 my_pw_input.type = "text";
Comment 3 Samuel Mannehed cendio 2025-02-07 14:41:12 CET
The native client shows an "eye" that allows toggling the password visibility. We should use the same method in Web Access to avoid confusion.

I would recommend using the SVGs that are the base for the XPM-images that the native client uses. They can be found here:

Comment 4 Samuel Mannehed cendio 2025-02-11 16:40:15 CET
The native client shows the "eye" when:

 * the mouse is hovering the password field
 * the password field is not empty
 * the password visibility is toggled ON (as a reminder)

You then click the eye to show the password, then click it again to hide the password.

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