When installing the client on our Windows 11 machine in the lab, I noticed that the display name for the client in "Add/Remove programs" is translated to Swedish, even if the system language on the machine is set to English. This does not happen on the Windows 10 machine, and I am not sure if this is a faulty behavior in Windows 11 or if it is something we have any control over. Figured best to mention it either way.
The language is being set based upon the language preferences of the user running the installer. In this case I was running the installer as LAB\administrator which happened to have Swedish set as system language on the Windows 11 machine. The presentation in "Add/Remove programs" then is dependent on whatever language was used to install, since translated values are written to the registry. (See Regedit: HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall/tlclient)
The ideal scenario would be if we could have the presentation in "Add/Remove programs" to depend on the system language for the current user, such that a user with system language set to English sees "ThinLinc client" while e.g. a user with system language set to Swedish sees "ThinLinc-klient"
One option could be to remove the "client" part of the display name and hence not have to translate anything. See Bug 7937.