Bug 8065 - Zero selected monitors for full screen corrupts login background
Summary: Zero selected monitors for full screen corrupts login background
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: ThinLinc
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Client (show other bugs)
Version: 4.14.0
Hardware: Other Unknown
: P2 Normal
Target Milestone: LowPrio
Assignee: Bugzilla mail exporter
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Reported: 2023-01-05 18:45 CET by Tobias
Modified: 2023-01-16 12:46 CET (History)
0 users

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Description Tobias cendio 2023-01-05 18:45:16 CET
If no monitors are selected while proceeding with the option "Full screen on selected monitor(s)" the login background is corrupted.
Comment 1 Tobias cendio 2023-01-09 11:39:56 CET
Tested this bug on various platforms and server/client versions. The ThinLinc server was installed on Fedora37 in all test cases, and the default login background is used.

server 4.14.0
   client 4.14.0
      Fedora37  : ✓ 
      MacOS13.1 : ✓
      Win10     : x (all black)
server 4.14.0
   client #2881
      Fedora37  : ✓
      MacOS13.1 : ✓
      Win10     : x (all black)

server #2976
   client 4.14.0
      Fedora37  : x (all white)
      MacOS13.1 : x (all white)
      Win10     : x (all white)
server #2976
   client #2881
      Fedora37  : x (all white)
      MacOS13.1 : x (all white)
      Win10     : x (all white)

It seems this bug is partially a regression from 4.14.0, although the Windows results hints 4.14.0 was not in a proper robust state.
Comment 2 Tobias cendio 2023-01-16 12:46:58 CET
Correction to comment 1:

The Fedora37 machine used to host the server on happened to have xsri installed,
but not xsetroot. This caused the background to exhibit the background image
when xsri executed properly, and go plainly black when xsri failed.

It's a bit unclear why it failed for Windows (10 & 11) while pummeling through
on Fedora37 and MacOS13.1. My best guess is that in this special case of "no
selected monitors", Windows and other platforms treat the dimensions a bit
differently, which is why we are met with an xsri floating point exception on

> /opt/thinlinc/libexec/tl-run-xstartup.d: line 40: 3945841 Floating point exception(core dumped) xsri ${color+--color "${color}"} ${image+--emblem "${image}" --scale-width 100 --scale-height 100}

and not on the others. Re-testing with server 4.14.0 on an Ubuntu22.04 lacking
xsri while having xsetroot, yields the expected plain blue background on all platforms
(Fedora37, MacOS13.1, Win10&11).

In conclusion: in this special case with no monitors selected, the old xsri
solution happen to produce the background image in some cases while crashing in
others, and the new implementation of drawing the background has some unresolved
issues of its own.

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