The macOS bundle name ("app name") is not properly translated and will always say "ThinLinc Client". This is wrong as it should be translated when the system language is one of our supported languages. Info here on how to localize the plist file (where the name is stored):
We actually have translations, but only for CFBundleName, not CFBundleDisplayName. Perhaps this worked at some point as macOS prioritised things differently?
The localized application name is now displayed. Tested Jenkins client build #2181 on macOS 11.5.2 with its display language set to Swedish. The Swedish name ("ThinLinc-klient") now shows up in Finder under "Applications", in Launch Pad, and in the bottom dock.
Seems to work fine. Tested Swedish, Russian and Brazilian Portuguese. Also tested Japanese and saw that it correctly fell back to English for unknown languages. Release notes are missing though.
Release notes have now been added.
Release notes looks good!