In a computing world that moves towards a more dynamic approach to servers and services, having VSM server as a stateful service is a roadblock to being able to provide high availability and redundancy for a server cluster. The modern approach to high availability is to have stateless services that read configuration and state from external services. If a service fails, trash the entire VM/container the service runs in and start a new VM from a known state.
Additional reading/inspiration:
Related bugs: Bug 6127 - Support HA over more than two vsmservers
vsmserver MUST have state as it needs to keep track of session information. If you move it to something else, you've just move the vsmserver role somewhere else, effectively just renaming it. Since the initial description states that this is about redundancy, I'll mark it as duplicate of bug 6127. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 6127 ***