HP ThinPro 5 ThinLinc client 4.2.0 When the ThinPro screensaver activates with a ThinLinc client in fullscreen, the screen turns blank for a few seconds but lights up again to show the ThinPro UI on top of the fullscreen ThinLinc client, which it shows until the time is up again and the screensaver activates again. This time, it will stay locked. If the ThinLinc client is in window mode, the screensaver will work as intended right away.
I also encounter issues with the HP ThinPro screensaver and a ThinLinc session in fullscreen on t610 with ThinLinc client 4.5.0rc1. When the HP screensaver starts it's almost impossible to cancel the screensaver since the ThinLinc session is grabbing the keyboard and mouse. The only way to cancel the screensaver is by pressing 'F8' (opening the thinlinc context menu) or by rebooting the terminal. I do not see this issue when using windowed mode either.