Currently every python program needs to report in where it resides so that we can compute the installation prefix. This is repetitive and error-prone, so it's something we'd like to get rid of. As an alternative, we could look at where the prefix module is installed instead. Then the magic is in just one place, and you don't have to worry about forgetting to call it.
Fixed in r29209. Tester needs to test basically every command we have: tladm/tlwebadm/tlwebadm tlmisc/notify/tl-notify tlmisc/profiles/tl-run-profile tlmisc/profiles/tl-select-profile tlmisc/scripts/tl-best-winserver tlmisc/scripts/tl-check-wts tlmisc/scripts/tl-collect-licensestats tlmisc/scripts/tl-crossover-drives tlmisc/scripts/tl-ldap-certalias tlmisc/scripts/tl-mount-cifs tlmisc/scripts/tl-mount-localdrives tlmisc/scripts/tl-mount-ncp tlmisc/scripts/tl-nds-check-expired tlmisc/scripts/tl-nds-dncontains tlmisc/scripts/tl-nds-memberof-container tlmisc/scripts/tl-nds-mountpath tlmisc/scripts/tl-nds-posixgroup tlmisc/scripts/tl-nds-posixuser tlmisc/scripts/tl-nds-repairuids tlmisc/scripts/tl-nds-userparam tlmisc/scripts/tl-nwlogin tlmisc/scripts/tl-nwlogout tlmisc/scripts/tl-passwd tlmisc/scripts/tl-run-winapp tlmisc/scripts/tl-run-winapp-seamless tlmisc/scripts/tl-session-param tlmisc/scripts/ tlmisc/scripts/tl-sso-sendkeys tlmisc/scripts/tl-sso-update-password tlmisc/scripts/tl-umount-all-cifs tlmisc/scripts/tl-umount-all-ncp tlmisc/scripts/tl-umount-localdrives tlmisc/scripts/tl-wait-smartcard tlmisc/scripts/tl-wfcmgr tlmisc/scripts/tl-wfica tlmisc/tl-rsync-all tlmisc/tl-run-rdesktop/tl-run-rdesktop tlmisc/tl-run-rdesktop/tl-run-rdesktop-gtk tlmisc/tl-serial-redir tlmisc/tl-setup/ tlmisc/tl-ssh-all tlmisc/xstartup/tl-run-xstartup-feedback vnc/tl-shadow-notify-helper vsm/selinux/install vsm/tl-set-sso-helper vsm/tl-show-licenses vsm/tl-sso-password vsm/tl-sso-token-passphrase vsm/vsmagent vsm/vsmserver webaccess/tlwebaccess
Preliminary testing indicates that everything works well. Closing.
Missed one: ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call last): ERROR:root: File "/home/aaron/Downloads/tl-4.2.0post-server/libs/tlinstaller", line 683, in <module> ERROR:root: OOoO ( ) ERROR:root: File "/home/aaron/Downloads/tl-4.2.0post-server/libs/tlinstaller", line 553, in OOoO ERROR:root: prefix . set_tl_prefix ( sys . argv [ 0 ] , 0 ) ERROR:root:AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_tl_prefix'
(In reply to comment #3) > Missed one: > > ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call last): > ERROR:root: File "/home/aaron/Downloads/tl-4.2.0post-server/libs/tlinstaller", > line 683, in <module> > ERROR:root: OOoO ( ) > ERROR:root: File "/home/aaron/Downloads/tl-4.2.0post-server/libs/tlinstaller", > line 553, in OOoO > ERROR:root: prefix . set_tl_prefix ( sys . argv [ 0 ] , 0 ) > ERROR:root:AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_tl_prefix' r29212.
Failed to install using non root user; imports tlgtk and fails with raised ImportError
(In reply to comment #5) > Failed to install using non root user; > > imports tlgtk and fails with raised ImportError r29418.
(In reply to comment #1) > tlmisc/scripts/tl-crossover-drives Code inspection - latest Crossover does not work on SLED11 due to missing. > tlmisc/scripts/tl-check-wts > tlmisc/scripts/tl-nds-repairuids > tlmisc/scripts/tl-nds-dncontains > tlmisc/scripts/tl-nds-userparam > tlmisc/scripts/tl-sso-sendkeys Not shipped. > vsm/selinux/install Tested by other bugs, including RHEL7 testing. > tlmisc/tl-serial-redir > tlmisc/tl-rsync-all Does not work - still references TLPREFIX. The rest works.
(In reply to comment #7) > > tlmisc/tl-serial-redir > > tlmisc/tl-rsync-all > > Does not work - still references TLPREFIX. > r29470.
(In reply to comment #8) > (In reply to comment #7) > > > tlmisc/tl-serial-redir > > > tlmisc/tl-rsync-all > > > > Does not work - still references TLPREFIX. > > > > r29470. Ok now.