There are some new environment variables that are expected in modern sessions: XDG_SESSION_CLASS and XDG_SESSION_TYPE. They are documented here: Fortunately they will always have the same value for us, so we can hard code them somewhere. They should unfortunately be set before PAM is run though, so we need to do the work in either vsmagent or tl-session. tl-session already has some magic to please pam_systemd, so it might be the best choice.
Fixed in r28881. The pam_systemd in Fedora 20 hasn't been updated to look at these, so we can't fully test this. So the tester should merely check that these are set in the session.
Verified using build 4332 that env was set correctly within a session. $export | grep XDG | grep -E 'TYPE|CLASS' declare -x XDG_SESSION_CLASS="user" declare -x XDG_SESSION_TYPE="x11"