We would like to support authentication with the Aventra MyEID Dual Interface PKI card. What's missing is currently that our opensc-pkcs11 does not know about the ATR. See: https://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/ticket/440 However, instead if patching opensc.conf, we should add the ATR to the code. This has actually been done "silently" in the upstream OpenSC project, as part of another 2K line patch: commit 457426543dfa02597895d57013dde94cc9e7d038 Author: sjoblomt <development@aventra.fi> Date: Wed Nov 28 12:52:43 2012 +0200 MyEID ECDSA support Will cherrypick instead.
Fixed in 28326.
Tested connection with card in a standard reader using client build 4294. Works as expected.
Tested using contact less reader in FC19 and client build 4294. Everything works as expected.