Bug 4838 - Copy of large file from server to client mount can hang and timeout...
Summary: Copy of large file from server to client mount can hang and timeout...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: ThinLinc
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Local drive redirection (show other bugs)
Version: 4.1.0
Hardware: PC Unknown
: P2 Normal
Target Milestone: MediumPrio
Assignee: Karl Mikaelsson
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-10-10 13:25 CEST by Henrik Andersson
Modified: 2024-10-28 12:57 CET (History)
3 users (show)

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Acceptance Criteria:

SLED11 Sp2 iptables dump (3.51 KB, text/x-log)
2013-10-10 13:25 CEST, Henrik Andersson

Description Henrik Andersson cendio 2013-10-10 13:25:04 CEST
Created attachment 491 [details]
SLED11 Sp2  iptables dump

This is a SLED11 specific problem and what happens are that if you copy a large file to the mounted client drive, the nfs kernel client will timeout;

[ 1176.992247] nfs: server localhost not responding, timed out.

However smaller files and other operations works as expected.

100Mb test file will hang, 1Mb test file works as expected.

Turning of the firewall on SLED11 fixes the problem and copying 100Mb file
works as expected.

Interesting tho, is that output chain accepts all from/to anywhere...

See attachment for iptables -L -m
Comment 1 Henrik Andersson cendio 2013-10-29 12:17:48 CET
Stumble upon this bug when testing 32bit SLETC client against SLED11 Sp3, however no firewall is enabled and the issue still occours.
Comment 2 Karl Mikaelsson cendio 2013-11-06 14:07:10 CET
I've seen something similar to this with a Solaris client and a Ubuntu 12.04 server. Something fishy is going on.

I reproduced with the following in a ThinLinc session:

 $ dd if=/dev/zero of=testfil.1G bs=1M count=1024
 $ cp testfil.1G ~/thindrives/tmp/
Here vncviewer stops receiving updates, sound stops playing, etc. Waiting ~10 minutes, the session often resumes itself.
Comment 3 Samuel Mannehed cendio 2019-07-19 16:08:40 CEST
Can reproduce this problem with a 545Mb file on Fedora 30 when moving or copying it to a local drive mounted from Windows 10.

Can reproduce both with build 6182 (4.10.1) and 4.8.1 clients.
Comment 4 Samuel Mannehed cendio 2019-07-19 16:27:06 CEST
This is the error I'm getting in the terminal when running "cp":

>cp: misslyckades att stänga 'thindrives/Desktop/tears_of_steel_1080p.webm': In/ut-fel
Comment 6 Samuel Mannehed cendio 2024-10-24 18:41:11 CEST
English error message to make this bug easier to find in searches:

> cp: failed to close \'thindrives/myfolder/big\': Input/output error

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