Tested against eudemo.thinlinc.com: /opt/thinlinc/bin/rdesktop -k sv efti.thinlinc.com -s notepad After closing the Notepad application, a gray background stays, and the WTS session is not ended until I manually terminate the tlsnd.exe process for my user. This only happens when using "-s"; a normal desktop works fine.
This bug seems to be caused by tlsnd.exe no longer being marked as a sysproc. In r18359, part of bug 3112, we lost this registry tweak: -[Registry] -Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\SysProcs"; ValueType: dword; ValueName: "tlsnd.exe";
Fixed in 27877. I've tested on a 32-bit 2003 machine; tester should test on a 64 bit one.
Apart from Windows taking ~40 seconds to figure out that notepad has been closed, it works fine with the command given in the description, modified for using my test WTS. Tested on 2003R2 x64.