This is bug 3936 again: When using the MS App Verifier, tlclient crashes when opening the options dialog. This seems to be a build system regression. If I back the tlclient source to 2012-10-25, the crash still happens.
Created attachment 480 [details] Dr MinGW traceback of current source, debug build
With build 4135, it's worse than 4.1.0: Now the client crashes also on every login, if the "Handle" test is activated. This is the test description: Handles Stop Details The Handles tests ensure that an application does not attempt to use invalid handles. This includes the following checks: Ensures that handles are valid when passed to APIs that take a handle. If a NULL value or an INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE value is passed, the handle is clearly invalid and further investigation is necessary. Ensures that TLS indexes passed to TLS functions are valid. Ensures that APIs are not called with handles that have been closed. Following is a list of verifier stops that may occur when running the Handles verifier against a solution or project on different platforms: Error message Stop code Invalid handle exception for current stack trace 0300 Invalid TLS index used in current stack 0301 Invalid parameters for WaitForMultipleObjects call 0302 NULL handle passed as parameter. A valid handle must be used 0303 Waiting on a thread handle in DllMain 0304 Incorrect object type for handle 0305 Properties There is one property that you can change for the Handles check: Traces - Enter in the amount of handle traces to be saved. For example 1024 will save 1k handle traces.
With 4.3.0, only the "Heaps" test causes the crash.