os.EX_NOTFOUND attribute is not found in os. see issue in tracker: http://intranet.lkpg.cendio.se/tracker/issue13433 http://intranet.lkpg.cendio.se/tracker/file7757/thinlinc-install.log
From http://docs.python.org/library/os.html: "Note: Some of these [exit code definitions] may not be available on all Unix platforms, since there is some variation. These constants are defined where they are defined by the underlying platform." We should stop using os.EX_NOTFOUND (possibly even os.EX_*) in our code.
EX_NOTFOUND is not defined on any of our supported platforms. In fact I can't find any mention of it at all, except for a handful of oblique references to POSIX.2 (from 1998). We should stop using this. As far as I can tell, all the other EX_*s seem to be okay.
Fixed in r24592
Installation on "RHEL 5" went just fine. (It was actually CentOS 5, but it didn't have os.EX_NOTFOUND anyway) The actual commit is r25492 and not r24592, though. The commit message for 25492 references this bug.