For some ASP cases, the customer might want to expose only one single external IP, but still use a thinlinc cluster with multiple agent machines. This can be done by connecting to different TCP ports, instead of different host names. One client based solution for this is bug 1580: Assuming this mechanism supports ports, you can map different agent host names to the single external IP, but different ports. Being a client side solution, however, this requires a preconfigured tlclient.conf. For many ASP cases, it might be better to specify this on the server side. This could be done by extending the agent_hostname mechanism to include a port. The interaction with the current port setting needs to be considered, though. For example, should be agent_hostname port have higher or lower priority than the client setting?
See also: bug 3161.
Also note that the client side fix (HOST_ALIASES) only works for the native client. We have no solution for how to solve this scenario when using Web Access.