Fri Jan 17 2025 08:05:44 CET
"Free publicity is worth every penny you pay for it" - Wietse Venema
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
8487 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa NEW --- "External access behind NAT" section is redundant when tl-setup sets agent_hostname Tue 13:31
8489 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa NEW --- "Recovering from catastrophic failure" should consider HA changes database Tue 13:34
8493 ThinLinc Web Acce bugzilla-qa NEW --- Ctrl key stuck when pressing ctrl+t quickly on Windows web client 17:11:29
8486 ThinLinc Smart ca bugzilla-qa NEW --- Firefox unusable with a smart card redirected under non-negligible ping 2025-01-10
8488 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Session crashes if mouse gets disabled Tue 13:33
8492 ThinLinc Smart ca bugzilla-qa NEW --- Smart cards don't work for flatpaks 16:19:21
8491 ThinLinc Server O ossman CLOS FIXE Test RHEL 10 beta 16:19:56
8490 ThinLinc Server I bugzilla-qa NEW --- tl-setup crashes if run on non-x86 platform Wed 10:46
8 bugs found.


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