Sun Jun 2 2024 12:51:59 CEST
"The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time." --Tom Cargill of Bell Labs
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15 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
6129 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel REOP --- Web Access does not make any sound when a bell/beep is expected 2023-09-12
4792 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel NEW --- translate Web Access 2022-04-25
7125 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel NEW --- modern sssd with Active Directory denies web access by default 2023-11-14
5529 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Xvnc leaks memory when using indirect rendering 2021-09-07
7249 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- XFixesGetCursorImage returns empty cursor with first frame 2018-10-23
4560 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Send physical keys instead of symbols 2022-03-01
7093 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Provide client performance measurements 2023-01-10
4660 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Option for grabbing keys ("send system keys") in non-fullscreen mode 2024-04-25
5902 ThinLinc Sound ossman NEW --- audio sometimes refuses to work 2016-06-08
5824 ThinLinc Printing hean01 NEW --- pdftocairo rasterises some vector documents on Windows 2016-06-03
8014 ThinLinc Web Acce bugzilla-qa NEW --- Web Access login crashes if cookies are disabled 2023-07-13
8296 ThinLinc VNC bugzilla-qa NEW --- Input can be blocked if client disconnects while shadowing 2024-01-30
7301 ThinLinc Client p bugzilla-qa NEW --- Empty .tlclient files aren't opened by tlclient on Linux 2023-11-28
7171 ThinLinc Misc astrand NEW --- OpenBox does not support fullscreen over multiple monitors 2022-01-18
4755 ThinLinc Web Acce astrand NEW --- Keyboard shortcuts gets intercepted by the browser when using Web Access 2022-11-25
15 bugs found.


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