Sat Sep 21 2024 02:58:58 CEST
"What can I do with Python that I can't do with C#? You can go home on time at the end of the day." -- Daniel Klein
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
6048 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- serial port support is too broken to be useful 2019-10-22
7042 ThinLinc VNC ossman NEW --- Support for touch events in ThinLinc session 2021-06-30
6183 ThinLinc Client p ossman CLOS FIXE Remove client package for Linux on ARM (softfloat) 2018-05-30
5745 ThinLinc Build sy ossman CLOS FIXE raise glibc requirements 2018-06-14
5657 ThinLinc Other ossman CLOS FIXE raise python requirement 2018-08-15
5190 ThinLinc Server I derfian CLOS FIXE Remove Web Integration from tl-setup 2018-09-13
4521 ThinLinc Client p ossman CLOS FIXE Remove ThinLincClientVerifier applet 2022-05-02
5275 ThinLinc | rdeskt hean01 CLOS WONT use Windows' own load balancing of Windows terminal servers 2019-02-07
8 bugs found.


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