Wed Dec 4 2024 19:54:49 CET
"What can I do with Python that I can't do with C#? You can go home on time at the end of the day." -- Daniel Klein
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
5547 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel NEW --- Web Access fails to notice a keyboard close 2022-12-16
6065 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel NEW --- Clicking in session brings up android's virtual keyboard in chrome 2019-10-22
6059 ThinLinc Web Acce linma CLOS WORK Web Access scrolls to top on iOS with virtual keyboard open 2021-11-22
6007 ThinLinc Web Acce ossman CLOS FIXE On-screen keyboard disappears when interacting with the Web Access GUI 2017-04-24
6054 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE clipboard textarea interferes with mouse input on IE and Edge 2019-11-06
6055 ThinLinc Web Acce samuel CLOS FIXE Pressing SPACE toggles toolbar buttons in IE and Edge 2019-11-06
6 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Web Access" component of the "ThinLinc" product