Wed Dec 4 2024 19:58:35 CET
"Obviously I was either onto something, or on something." - Larry Wall on the creation of Perl
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
284 ThinLinc VSM Serv emeer RESO FIXE Limit the number of concurrent users or sessions (per cluster, per agent) 16:20:19
8421 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE Instructions to verify RPM signatures misses good security practices 2024-10-29
8424 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa CLOS FIXE Important info is cropped out from "ThinLinc startup" diagram 2024-10-08
8192 ThinLinc Other madni CLOS FIXE Cookies will have different "SameSite" setting depending on the browser 2024-10-10
5467 ThinLinc Server I samuel CLOS FIXE text-mode tl-setup presents unreadable list of packages to install 12:30:44
5943 ThinLinc Web Admi samuel CLOS FIXE It is easy to miss and hard to discover which username to use for authentication 2024-10-22
8400 ThinLinc Other tobfa CLOS FIXE Security scanners complain about missing iframe headers 2024-10-11
8320 ThinLinc Document wilsj CLOS FIXE The TAG introduction chapters are non-informative and outdated 2024-10-29
8 bugs found.


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