Sat Sep 21 2024 03:31:09 CEST
"What can I do with Python that I can't do with C#? You can go home on time at the end of the day." -- Daniel Klein
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
4730 ThinLinc Server O astrand NEW --- Server isn't packaged for Arch Linux Mon 10:04
7569 ThinLinc Server O bugzilla-qa NEW --- Port forward restriction doesn't work with alternate sshd_config file 2020-10-20
7468 ThinLinc Server O bugzilla-qa NEW --- Sessions fail to start when upgrading from Ubuntu 16.04 2023-11-21
6064 ThinLinc Server O derfian NEW --- pstopdf broken by default on SLES 12 2019-09-18
6151 ThinLinc Server O derfian NEW --- Server install fails on Arch Linux, sendmail is not in /usr/sbin/ 2024-08-15
5904 ThinLinc Server O derfian NEW --- ThinLinc overrides system default $PATH (breaks some applications) 2018-08-21
6 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Server OS" component of the "ThinLinc" product