Wed Dec 4 2024 22:34:45 CET
Operator overloading and other features sure make C++ equally adaptable to any problem domain. This is achieved by making it the wrong tool for every job. - C++ FQA
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
8464 ThinLinc Server I bugzilla-qa NEW --- Packages which requires input from user aren't handled by tl-setup Tue 13:27
8465 ThinLinc Web Acce bugzilla-qa NEW --- Back/forward mouse buttons trigger incorrect button events on Chromium Tue 13:29
8466 ThinLinc Web Acce bugzilla-qa NEW --- Extra mouse buttons map to middle mouse button on Safari Tue 13:30
8467 ThinLinc Web Acce bugzilla-qa NEW --- Back/forward mouse buttons don't generate events on Firefox Tue 13:32
8469 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- ThinLinc systemd services and timers are unconditionally installed Tue 13:37
8470 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa NEW --- UI labels aren't clear in documentation Tue 16:57
8471 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Inconsistent linking to external support among tl-setup pages Tue 16:59
8472 ThinLinc Server I bugzilla-qa NEW --- Unexpected tab choice in tl-setup and installer 16:08:17
8468 ThinLinc Server I samuel CLOS FIXE Copy links when clicked in tl-setup and installer 09:14:05
9 bugs found.


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