Sat Jul 27 2024 01:52:37 CEST
Operator overloading and other features sure make C++ equally adaptable to any problem domain. This is achieved by making it the wrong tool for every job. - C++ FQA
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10 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
4958 ThinLinc Desktop ossman NEW --- Consider adding gnome-flashback to shipped profiles 2017-07-12
5847 ThinLinc Desktop ossman NEW --- Gnome3 rearranges VNC screens on login 2022-12-02
7340 ThinLinc Desktop bugzilla-qa NEW --- Include a profile for LXQt 2020-10-17
7146 ThinLinc Desktop ossman NEW --- Most distributions have slow default desktop environments 2022-04-06
7570 ThinLinc Desktop bugzilla-qa NEW --- No default profile for i3wm 2020-10-20
7858 ThinLinc Desktop bugzilla-qa NEW --- Our Openbox used in tl-select-profile does not respect XDG environment variables 2022-03-16
8381 ThinLinc Desktop bugzilla-qa NEW --- Resizing window during startup can cause hangup Wed 15:54
8401 ThinLinc Desktop bugzilla-qa NEW --- Sessions often fail to start if logged in locally Thu 16:56
5849 ThinLinc Desktop ossman NEW --- Volume control broken with Wyse Suse clients 2016-04-26
6191 ThinLinc Desktop ossman NEW --- X resource files are not read at startup 2021-06-30
10 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Desktop environment" component of the "ThinLinc" product