Back to bug 7907

Who When What Removed Added
ossman 2022-04-27 10:25:28 CEST Blocks 7903
tobfa 2022-05-03 12:27:07 CEST CC tobfa
Assignee bugzilla-qa tobfa
ossman 2022-05-03 12:36:16 CEST Target Milestone --- 4.15.0
tobfa 2022-05-17 09:45:09 CEST Acceptance Criteria size
• Punctuation marks when appropriate
• Short and precise headers
• Few words as possible in the text
• No colloquial language (don't, can't, etc...)
• Button labels with imperative verbs that are well-known
• Button labels relate to the headers for quick association
• Button labels with non-conflicting mnemonics. A single character should be underlined for each button when Alt is pressed, corresponding to the access keys for keyboard navigation
• The default answer should be appropriate for the situation, e.g. "Cancel" when hasty answers are not suited or "Return" when accidentally quitting a wizard
• Entry widgets should initially be focused, if appropriate, and connect to the forward button
Resolution --- FIXED
Acceptance Criteria • Layout and functionality follows the Gnome HIG and/or popular usage
• The designs are consistent with other dialog windows for a given desktop environment (see for instance gedit)

A few points to consider:
• Alignment
• Word casing
• Font
wilsj 2022-05-18 09:23:40 CEST Keywords prosaic
CC wilsj
wilsj 2022-05-18 09:23:53 CEST Keywords wilsj_tester
wilsj 2022-05-18 16:53:26 CEST Status RESOLVED CLOSED
ossman 2022-05-19 13:32:38 CEST Status CLOSED REOPENED
Resolution FIXED ---
tobfa 2022-05-27 15:07:12 CEST Status REOPENED CLOSED
Resolution --- FIXED
ossman 2022-10-12 11:21:34 CEST Keywords relnotes
ossman 2022-10-12 11:22:57 CEST Keywords prosaic

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