Sat Jan 18 2025 06:32:41 CET
"I have been, and always will be, a programmer: even when designing, Emacs is my canvas, and I expect C-x C-c to be engraved on my tombstone." - René Hollan
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
5866 ThinLinc Automati bugzilla-qa NEW --- Insufficient log file saving in automatic system tests 2023-06-27
8096 ThinLinc Automati bugzilla-qa NEW --- Logs for autotests can contain confusing tracebacks 2023-02-14
8189 ThinLinc Automati bugzilla-qa NEW --- Subtests aren't supported in our unit tests 2024-07-31
5638 ThinLinc Automati derfian NEW --- xmlrpc calls can hang indefinitely in the automatic tests 2015-09-15
5865 ThinLinc Automati derfian NEW --- confusing and disorganised structure in autotests directory 2021-10-19
5867 ThinLinc Automati derfian NEW --- insufficient documentation on how to use the automatic system tests 2016-05-03
6 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Automatic tests" component of the "ThinLinc" product