Tue Feb 11 2025 06:33:59 CET
"I have been, and always will be, a programmer: even when designing, Emacs is my canvas, and I expect C-x C-c to be engraved on my tombstone." - René Hollan
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14 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1753 ThinLinc Printing astrand NEW --- Decide which printer is nearest based on IP of client. 2013-08-22
1780 ThinLinc TLDC (De ossman NEW --- Deleting a menu with submenus leaves stray .directory files 2013-08-22
2370 ThinLinc Local dr astrand NEW --- File writes not aborted immediately - whole file transferred 2013-08-22
2665 ThinLinc Printing astrand NEW --- If nearest is the first queue on the location, printing to nearest will fail 2013-09-11
1174 ThinLinc VSM Serv ossman ASSI --- Using load figure leads to bad load balancing if iowait is high. 2017-02-14
1200 ThinLinc TLDC (De morgan NEW --- not obvious how to to activate TLDC 2018-11-27
2596 ThinLinc VSM Agen samuel ASSI --- Use os.getloadavg() 2019-04-02
2651 ThinLinc Client ossman NEW --- Wrong reconnect handling for no-sessions, no-allowed, ask-policy 2019-04-02
2652 ThinLinc Client ossman NEW --- left align columns in session selection window 2019-04-02
2655 ThinLinc Local dr astrand ASSI --- Unable to export letter mapped to Samba share 2020-01-03
1544 ThinLinc Other bugzilla-qa NEW --- Session startup cannot use the client language 2022-04-12
2208 ThinLinc Other astrand NEW --- tl-set-clientlang.sh should keep character set 2022-04-12
2534 ThinLinc Other ossman NEW --- hiveconf does not support space in string lists 2024-02-29
2541 ThinLinc License bugzilla-qa NEW --- Users often forget updating licenses before server upgrade 2025-01-27
14 bugs found.


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